Calcifediol – Vitamin D’s Active Molecule and its Role in Long COVID, Case Study

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The following case is that of a 49-year-old woman, who we will call MV, and who benefited enormously from the active form of vitamin D, calcifediol, to relieve her disabling symptoms following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.


MV is a moderate smoker and, as I see it, she hasn’t quit smoking, despite her ...

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COVID-19, ACE2, Nicotinic Receptors And The Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory And Cognitive-Improving Pathway

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© Getty Images/selvanegra
Graphic representation of COVID-19 binding to the ACE2 receptor on human cells via its spike protein (red)

I’ve been reading case reports of heart damage in people infected with COVID-19. In fact, someone in my close circle had an episode of fulminant myopericarditis and a strange lung pathology last December, from which he miraculously recovered. I deem SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that ...

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First, Do No Harm: If Primary Healthcare Remains Shut Down, Toll on Elderly Will be Worse Than COVID-19

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covid-19 doctor hospital

I’m a doctor ‘on the front-line’ in the ‘war against COVID-19’. Yes, we have a huge problem, but it is not necessarily the virus itself. The real problem is hidden in plain sight. Let’s see if we can begin to discern it.

Lockdown Time

This is how doctors, nurses and other medical staff and administrators are handling this crisis.

They have set up “contaminated” respiratory circuits at clinics and
hospitals, which are separated ...

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Breathe! Don’t Succumb to the Pathological Hysteria from the Coronavirus Madness

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I practice Family Medicine in Europe and as everybody knows by now, we’re in the midst of Coronavirus madnessTM which we are told is now an official global pandemic. It’s true that we’re living through a critical, decisive and increasingly divisive era, but the real issue is something other than what the media and politicians would have us believe.

Let’s review our society’s problems for some much needed perspective.

Very Dark Statistics, Indeed

Regardless of how many people on the planet are ...

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Intravenous DMSO – Unsurpassable Results in Clinical Practice

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There has been some pretty fascinating studies published during the last decade which illustrate the miraculous effects of DMSO in a population that otherwise had no hope, namely cancer patients in palliative care.

For instance, intravenous DMSO was used to relieve pain in advanced biliary cancer and not only did it achieved that, but regression of major signs and symptoms including liver damage and ...

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Megadosing Vitamin C: The Wonderful Healing Adventure of Herbie the Hedgegog

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The other day I learned from my god-sister that she was nursing a seemingly dying hedgehog whom was nicknamed Herbie. It just so happened that we had in store the stock bottle of vitamin C for parenteral use, and we decided that there was nothing to lose by applying some C to Herbie. Here’s the written testimonial by my god-sister:

A couple of weeks ago, Scottie found a little hedgehog while outside mowing. It was laying out in the grass ...

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Health Alert – Fluoroquinolones

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Fluoroquinolones (Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox and others) are one of the most prescribed antibiotics worldwide with nearly 26 million prescriptions being given a year. Fluoroquinolones are also the subjects of numerous lawsuits due to their debilitating, systemic side effects. Prescribed for even minor ailments, these drugs are linked to tendinitis, peripheral neuropathy, tooth loss, heart, liver and kidney issues, etc.

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Autohemotherapy – Re-Activating Your Body’s Natural Capacity To Heal

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Autohemotherapy is a concept attributed to Dr. Paul Ravaut at the beginning of the last century (1912) and it involves the injection of blood withdrawn from your arm using a syringe and a needle, just like when a sample is taken when you have a blood lab analysis. Then it is immediately injected back in the muscle (intramuscular) in your buttock.

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The Age of Metabolic Syndrome – Inflammatory Fat Is Worse Than Obesity

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A global survey in 2016 said the ratio of obese adults had more than doubled in the 40 years since 1975. Of about five billion adults alive in 2014, 641 million were obese. Despite efforts from government agencies and the population at large, the upwards trend seem set to continue.

According to research presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Vienna on May 23rd 2018, 22 percent of people in ...

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