Iodine – Suppressed knowledge that can change your life

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 Iodine could potentially improve your health.

Iodine could potentially improve your health.

Given the highly toxic state most people find themselves in, the rapidly changing environment which we live in, and the incredible ability that iodine has to strengthen people’s health and improve their lives, I decided to write the following summary about iodine supplementation as an introduction to the subject. The information presented here is based on preliminary research available on this forum discussion thread on iodine and on the books Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It (5th Edition) by Dr. Brownstein, and The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow.

Iodine is an essential micro-nutrient. This means every single cell of every single person needs it. Evolutionary biologists reckon that seafood consumption, and thus iodine absorption, played an important role in human brain development and evolution. Iodine also has excellent antibacterial, anticancer, antiparasitic, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Unfortunately, iodine deficiency in the general population is of pandemic proportions in our modern world due to iodine’s displacement in our bodies by environmental toxins such as bromide, pesticides, and food additives. Modern farming techniques have also led to deficiencies of iodine and other minerals in the soil. Thus, crops grown in iodine-deficient soil are deficient in iodine.

Certain diets and lifestyles can also predispose a person to develop iodine deficiency. Those who eat a lot of bakery products (breads, pasta, etc), which contain high amounts of bromide, are at risk. So are vegetarians and those who don’t like sea food, sea vegetables or salt.

According to Dr. Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, about one-third of the global populations live in a region of iodine deficiency. He and other iodine researchers have tested thousands of people, and found consistent results: approximately 96% of patients test low for iodine. The World Health Organization has recognized that iodine deficiency is the world’s greatest single cause of preventable mental retardation. Iodine deficiency has been identified as a significant public health problem in 129 countries and up to 72% of the world’s population is affected by an iodine deficiency disorder.

The following illnesses are related to iodine deficiency:

  • breast cancer
  • thyroid cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • uterus cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • autoimmune thyroid illnesses
  • hypothyroidism
  • fibrocystic breast disease
  • ADHD
  • chronic fatigue
  • fibromyalgia

What’s more, iodine has been used to treat the following conditions:

  • atherosclerosis
  • breast diseases
  • Dupuytren’s conctracture
  • excess mucous production
  • fibrocystic breasts
  • goiter
  • hemorrhoids
  • headaches and migraine headaches
  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue
  • hypertension
  • infections
  • keloids
  • liver diseases
  • nephrotic syndrome
  • ovarian disease
  • parotid duct stones
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • prostate disorders
  • sebaceous cysts
  • thyroid disorders
  • vaginal infections
  • syphilis
  • uterine fibroids
  • heavy metal poisoning (mercury, lead, arsenic)
  • scarlet fever
  • bronchitis and pneumonia
  • obesity
  • depression
  • breast pain
  • eczema
  • malaria
  • genito-urinary diseases
  • rheumatism
  • tonsillitis
  • cough
  • stomach pains
  • brain fog
  • allergies
  • menstrual irregularities
  • gum infection
  • psoriasis
  • heart arrhythmia
  • high cholesterol
  • constipation
  • hair thinning
  • type 2 diabetes
  • eye problems
  • GERD
  • multiple sclerosis
  • gastroparesis
  • small intestine bacterial overgrowth
  • Etc, etc!!!
‌Iodine was added to salt in the U.S. to help prevent goiter. But as we now know, the amounts added do little to prevent or offset many other forms of disease.

‌Iodine was added to salt in the U.S. to help prevent goiter. But as we now know, the amounts added do little to prevent or offset many other forms of disease.

The broad cross-section of conditions improved thanks to iodine supplementation is a big clue to the nutrient’s importance and widespread deficiency.

According to Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis, iodine’s medicinal use dates back 15,000 years. It was the first treatment of choice in the 19th century for tumors and aggressive diseases of obscure origin. Farrow also argues that the notion that refined iodized salt is sufficient to meet our daily needs has been the most dangerous misconception about iodine. According to Farrow’s and Brownstein’s research, only 10% of the iodine in salt gets absorbed, at best. Most people today avoid refined salts due to health concerns, and due to the misconception that salt (of any kind) is bad for cardiovascular health.

Iodine’s RDA is 150mcg (micrograms, which equals 0.15mg), an established calculation based on how much iodine the thyroid gland needs to avoid goiter. Other organs’ requirements aren’t factored into this number. In addition to that, the effects of widespread iodine-blocking pollutants introduced during the last century were never considered in this calculation.

Our toxic world

Even if you manage to consume some four pounds of fresh seafood daily in order to meet your iodine requirement, you can’t live in a clean bubble on this planet. The Fukushima nuclear plant disaster alone is likely to have contaminated much of the world’s seaweed, an important source of dietary iodine. Then there are the 2,053 nuclear explosions conducted all over the world from the 1940s to the 1990s, and more recently the depleted uranium munitions used in America’s wars. Let’s not forget about Chernobyl either.

It is known that radioactive iodine, used in many medical procedures, will further exacerbate an iodine deficiency problem. Also, exposure to many chemicals that inhibit iodine binding in the body (e.g., bromide, fluoride, chloride) further worsens the problem. Many countries still fluoridate their water despite evidence of its health hazards. What’s worse is that fluoride is even more toxic when there is an iodine deficiency.

Yes, this is the stuff they put in our drinking water.

Yes, this is the stuff they put in our drinking water.

The good news is that iodine supplementation in the proper amounts increases urinary excretion of heavy metals such as lead and mercury, and has a detoxifying effect by increasing excretion of fluoride, bromide and chloride derivatives. This is very important since bromine, fluoride, and chloride are toxic halides, which compete with each other for absorption and receptor-binding in the body.

Perchlorate – a chlorine compound – damages the iodine transport system in our bodies. It may cause cancer and weakening of the immune system, even at low levels. Perchlorate is used in countless industrial products – from everyday applications like car air bags and leather tanning to rocket fuel.

Bromine intoxication is associated with delirium, psychomotor retardation, schizophrenia and hallucinations. People who ingest bromine feel dull and apathetic and have difficulty concentrating. Bromide can also cause severe depression, headaches and irritability. These symptoms can be present even with low levels of bromine in the diet.

Dr. Brownstein explains how bromine interferes with iodine utilization in the thyroid, and anywhere else iodine concentrates in the body. Due to their interference with iodine-binding in the body, bromine and fluoride are known as “goitrogens” – they promote the formation of goiter. Bromine and fluoride are toxic substances with no therapeutic use in our bodies. Bromine, a known carcinogen, can also bind to iodine receptors in the breast. Women with breast cancer have much larger amounts of the toxic halides bromine and fluoride compared to women without breast cancer. On the other hand, iodine has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Women’s breasts are major sites for iodine storage. Maintaining adequate iodine levels are necessary to ensure an adequately functioning thyroid gland and normal breast architecture, as well as maintaining normal structure in all glands throughout the body.

As Dr. Brownstein reports:

“All of the glands of the body depend on adequate iodine levels to function optimally. Animal studies have shown problems with the adrenal glands, the thymus gland, the ovaries, the hypothalamus and pituitary axis, as well as the entire endocrine system, when there is an iodine deficient state. In fact, the ovaries have the second highest concentration of iodine in the body next to the thyroid gland. An iodine-deficient state will lead to an imbalanced hormonal system. lt is impossible to have a balanced hormonal system without ensuring an adequate iodine intake.”

“Large amounts of iodine are also stored in many other areas of the body including the salivary glands, cerebrospinal fluid and the brain, gastric mucosa, choroid plexus,breasts, ovaries, and the ciliary body of the eye. In the brain, iodine concentrates in the substantia nigra, an area of the brain that has been associated with Parkinson’s disease.”

Medical ‘iodo-phobia’

According to Dr. Guy E. Abraham, ‘medical iodophobia’ – the unwarranted fear of using and recommending inorganic, non-radioactive iodine/iodide – may have caused more human misery and death than both World Wars combined by preventing meaningful clinical research in the daily amount of iodine needed for optimal physical and mental health.

 Whoever told us that thyroid function was so important and could be one of the keys to good health?

Whoever told us that thyroid function was so important and could be one of the keys to good health?

Abraham was one of the world’s leading researchers on iodine, suggesting that the required daily intake of iodine necessary for maintaining iodine sufficiency for the whole body was 13mg per day. At sufficiency, the thyroid gland holds a total of approximately 50mg of iodine. The thyroid gland needs approximately 6mg/day of iodine for sufficiency. The breasts need at least 5mg of iodine; that leaves 2mg of iodine for the rest of the body. Others suggest, based on Dr. Guy E. Abraham’s research, that healthy individuals need 1-3 mg/day as a maintenance dose. This is still well above the RDA of 150ug/day of iodine!

Many healthcare professionals are scared of iodine due to ignorance of its biochemistry and physiology. They’ve been led to believe that iodine causes hypothyroidism, when in reality it helps to normalize thyroid function. One of the reasons for this misconception is due to high TSH levels in iodine therapy. TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) is a test to monitor thyroid function. It usually rises when there is hypothyroidism. However, as Dr. Brownstein explains:

“TSH has another function besides stimulating thyroid hormone production. It also helps stimulate the body’s production of the iodine transport molecules – the sodium-iodide symporter (NIS). Without adequate amounts of NIS, iodine would not be able to enter the cells and be utilized. […] [An] iodine-deficient patient’s body does not require a large amount of NIS since there is little iodine that needs to be transported into the cells. However, when this individual begins to supplement with iodine, the extra iodine now needs to be transported into the cells. One way the body will accomplish this is to increase the production of TSH to stimulate more NIS. […]

How long does TSH stay elevated? l have found that TSH may remain elevated for up to 6 months before lowering to normal. How high do TSH levels rise? The normal TSH level ranges from 0.5-4.5mlU/L. l have witnessed TSH levels elevated to 5-30mlU/L for a period of time sometimes up to six months-before falling back to the normal range. […] The TSH will decline back to the reference range after the thyroid gland is saturated with iodine.”

Iodine does not cause hypothyroidism. On the contrary, the main thyroid hormones, T4 and T3, require enough iodine in order to be produced. When an individual is iodine-deficient, hypothyroidism results because there is not enough raw material to produce T4 and T3. Supplementing with iodine can improve or even heal hypothyroidism without the use of synthetic drugs. Moreover, research suggests that taking thyroid hormone when iodine deficiency is present can worsen the iodine deficiency as the body’s metabolic rate increases. Dr. Brownstein reports how taking thyroid hormone when iodine deficiency is present increases the risk of breast cancer and possibly other cancers as well. Anything that lowers the body’s iodine stores or increases the body’s need for it could be predicted to make things worse.

Another misconception is that iodine is contraindicated in autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Grave’s disease and Hashimoto’s. In reality, it is those who are iodine-deficient who are at an increased risk of developing antibodies against the thyroid gland. Autoimmune disorders – including thyroid ones – are examples of excess oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is inflammation in the body and it is akin to a fire burning. You can put the fire out with the appropriate “water”: anti-oxidants, unrefined salt, nutrients, an anti-inflammatory diet (gluten-free, non-GMO, moderated in carbohydrates AND with plenty of animal fat). People afflicted with autoimmune thyroid disorders need to take specific nutrients along with iodine in order to heal the damage done by so much oxidative stress and lack of iodine.

Is there a condition when iodine is actually dangerous? Yes, and it is extremely rare. My main past concerns on iodine are related to what Dr. Brownstein shared in his book:

“Does iodine therapy cause hyperthyroidism? l was taught in medical school that it did, especially in patients suffering from autoimmune thyroid disorders such as Graves’ or Hashimoto’s disease. Young doctors-in-training are still taught this today. So, let me answer the question: Very rarely. Between my partners and myself, we estimate that over 12 years, less than 10 patients out of thousands treated became hyperthyroid when treated with iodine.

When I lecture to doctors, l tell them one particular condition can predispose to iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. This condition occurs in a patient who has an autonomously functioning nodule in their thyroid. Sometimes this is referred to as a hot nodule on a thyroid scan.

An autonomously functioning nodule is not under the feedback control of the pituitary and the hypothalamus. It functions independently of the thyroid gland. When iodine is present, these nodules can take up the iodine and produce copious amounts of thyroid hormone leading to hyperthyroidism. This condition can be diagnosed with a thyroid scan. However, it is most frequently diagnosed after a trial of iodine therapy is given and the patient becomes hyperthyroid after taking the first couple of doses.

How do you treat a patient with an autonomously functioning thyroid nodule? These patients must avoid iodine supplements and food (such as seaweed ) that is high in iodine UNTIL the nodule is surgically removed.”

Given the pervasive misconceptions about such an extremely beneficial substance as iodine, one may wish to consider how greater knowledge and use of it may be purposefully suppressed. As has previously been observed and analyzed on, there are numerous ways in which the Western allopathic approach to medicine has led so many individuals astray on the road to living a truly healthy life. Among those we’ve seen are the benefits of a low-carb, high animal fat diet, supplementation with vitamins and other vital nutrients, the modes and reasons for detoxification, etc. But given the huge amounts of money and power that Big Pharma and other health-related industries stand to make by actually keeping people in poor health, it is no wonder that so many of us still are!

Still, at the end of the day, whether the ignorance of the larger modern medical community to employ iodine and other holistic healing approaches is due to simple ignorance, or more nefarious reasons, the fact is that now, in light of this invaluable information about iodine, we can choose to take responsibility for our own health with this powerhouse approach. But the choice is ours to make of course.

Iodine protocol

Take enough iodine. As mentioned above, the RDA for iodine does not provide nearly enough for the body. Most people need from 12-50mg/day of a combination of iodine and iodide in the form of lugol’s solution or tableted lugol’s solution. Others need much less. There are several percentages available of lugol’s solution, but don’t angst over them. You can use the following table as a rough guide:



Start with a single drop of lugol’s solution after breakfast and build up by one drop every three days until a balance of general well being is achieved. Starting with the lowest dose and building up while detox reactions are managed would be the reasonable thing to do. Avoid taking lugol after 4pm as it can energize and give insomnia if taken too late. Antimicrobial doses for lugol’s solution and potassium iodide are also discussed in the forum thread on iodine.

Take vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacinamide) in order to stimulate the proper functioning of the NADPH system – this will help metabolize iodine properly, decrease the formation of damaging auto-antibodies and ensure enough energy production in the form of ATP. How much? 100mg of B2 and 500mg of B3 twice per day.

Take antioxidants in order to decrease the fire of oxidative damage. Vitamin C 3-10 grams throughout the day. Take 3 grams of vitamin C at least one hour after your lugol dose, preferably two hours later. You can repeat the dose according to bowel tolerance if there are strong detox reactions triggered by the iodine. Avoid taking vitamin C after 4pm as it can give insomnia due to its energizing effects.

Take magnesium, 300-600mg per day. Magnesium helps with detox reactions as it participates in +300 detox pathways in the body. Magnesium also acts against excess intracellular calcium levels which fuel oxidative stress. Magnesium glycinate is a favored one.

Take selenium or L-selenomethionine 200mcg per day. Safe range: 100mcg-400mcg. Adequate selenium levels are necessary for regulating thyroid function and iodine metabolism. If selenium is deficient, autoimmune thyroid disorders can develop. Selenium is important for activating thyroid hormones and it decreases side effects of iodine therapy.

Protect the liver. Take N-acetylcysteine (600-1200mg per day), alpha lipoic acid (200-600mg) or milk thistle.

Drink enough water and take unrefined salted water in order to detoxify bromide. Chloride is an effective competitive inhibitor of toxic bromide and unrefined salt is sodium chloride. It is impossible to lower bromide compounds in the body if you don’t ingest unrefined salt, some 1-1.5 teaspoons per day. An adequate intake of unrefined salt in the body is also essential to minimize inflammatory oxidative stress. Take at least 1/4 teaspoon of unrefined salt in 8 oz. of water upon rising and at least twice a day. Make sure to take your lugol away from the salted water, at least 40 min-1 hour.

In short,

“1/2 to 1 tsp of sea salt in a tall glass of water upon arising.

Lugol’s (start with lowest dose) after breakfast or meals, don’t take it after 4pm (it energizes you).
200 mg of B2 (riboflavin) per day. Can be taken in two doses with your lugols.
1000 mg of B3 (niacinamide) taken in two doses with lugols.
200 mcg selenium (not more!) ONCE a day with morning dose.
3 to 10 grams of vitamin C – divide into two doses taken an hour after lugols.
500 mg of magnesium – glycinate is excellent – taken at night.
Protect the liver with NAC, ALA and/or milk thistle.”

Detox troubleshooting

Symptoms of bromide toxicity can be present even with low levels of bromide in the diet. If there is an iodine deficiency, bromide toxicity is accelerated. Unfortunately, bromide toxicity is very common. It is used as an antibacterial agent for pools and hot tubs. It is also used in pesticides and in some medications. Bromide toxicity leads to thyroid problems including autoimmune ones. The body can eliminate bromide only when there is sufficient iodine available.

One single drop of lugol’s solution will start to detoxify the bromide accumulated in your body. Bromide detox reactions triggered by iodine may include:

  • eye lid twitching
  • foot twitching
  • tingling in hands or feet
  • dark thoughts
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • emotionalism
  • mouth and tongue sores and cuts
  • acne-like lesions (zinc can sometimes help with these)
  • skin cuts
  • hair loss
  • brain fog
  • aches
  • rash
  • metallic taste
  • sinus ache
  • cherry angiomas
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • sedation
  • lethargy
  • odd swallowing sensation
  • body odor
  • unusual urine color or odor
  • dry mouth
  • urethral spasm
  • frequent urination which is commonly mistaken for urinary infection
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • vision changes
  • irritability
  • increased salivation
  • dream changes
  • hormone changes
  • kidney pain
  • breast tenderness

and so forth.

In order to palliate these detox symptoms, make sure you drink enough salted water and take at least the recommended supplements listed above. You can do pulse-dosing iodine where you stop taking iodine for at least 48 hours to let your body and kidneys clear out the bromide. Notice that if the detox symptoms developed when you were increasing your iodine dose, you can always back off your dose to a lower one.

If you have a FIR sauna blanket, you can use it in order to help detoxify any toxic mobilized by the iodine.

Always do your own research

This article does not constitute medical advice or serve as a substitute for doing your own research to acquire the appropriate knowledge on iodine therapy.

It is our conclusion that widespread knowledge of the many benefits of iodine is being suppressed. Even if iodine is generally well known, it has now become clear how grossly undervalued it is and how little is known about its potential to transform human health.

Further reading

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It (5th Edition) by Dr. Brownstein.
The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow.
Iodine and Potassium Iodide thread, Cassiopaea forum.
Iodine publications at
Articles published on Sott:

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  1. Jenny may  December 7, 2015

    Thank you. It is a very informative article. I have chronic fatigue from thyroiditis 25 years ago and have recently identified a deficiency in iodine. I’m now are taking 3 drops of 2% idol iodine a day. One question, when you give suggestions of a protocol on page 7, what percentage iodine are you talking about? I would like to try your protocol but I need to be sure. I am desperate to be well as lately all of my efforts (detox etc) have made me much worse.

    Many thanks

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 7, 2015

      Hello Jenny,

      I posted a chart from with the percentages and their respective iodine content. If you are very sick with detox symptoms, I would see about taking all the cofactors and add some L-tyrosine as well. If it is too much, I would back off to one single drop of lugol 2% until you can get a hold of the detox symptoms. Hope it helps!

      • Jenny  December 18, 2015

        Thank you.

  2. SUE  December 20, 2015

    Dr. Segura, as with your article on KD, I am infinitely thankful to have encountered this one about iodine. As a result, I have determined I, too, have been plagued with health disorders due to iodine deficiency. Now, I can only hope correcting the deficiency will alleviate them entirely.

    My question for tonight is, what about using sea kelp tablets to supply the much needed iodine, but also, other vital substances? Yes, I would need to take many tabs each day, but they are inexpensive and easily obtained.

    Thanks very much, looking forward to your reply,


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 24, 2015

      Hello Sue,

      Kelp supplements will probably not hurt but it is not enough. The dose is in mcg and you’ll need at least two milligrams of iodine. I’ve seen research on how labs have refused to make a 2-3 mg iodine dose out of kelp because of the risk of heavy metal concentration. I would get the lowest percentage of lugol and even some potassium iodide tablets. This last for emergencies, i.e. radiation, viral infections.

      In very rare cases, like one or two in thousands, the lowest percentage of lugol is not tolerated despite all the measures to deal with detox symptoms. That is when it is probably best to use kelp supplements. If you are dealing with a signficant iodine deficiency, it is more practical and inexpensive to get a small bottle of lugol 2%.

      I hope this research will benefit you as it has benefited other folk and myself. Best!

  3. Katarina Koster  December 26, 2015

    Hello Dr. Segura, how does one know if one is iodine-deficient? Is there a mood test?

    Thank you!

    • Katarina Koster  December 26, 2015

      Blood test, not mood test. :-)

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 27, 2015

      Sure! For iodine testing and the iodine-loading test contact:

      FFP Lab (
      Hakala Labs (
      Doctors Data (

      Let me know your levels if you don’t mind. Best!

  4. Katarina Koster  December 27, 2015

    Thanks very much for this info, Dr. Segura!

  5. Gary  December 28, 2015

    Dr. Segura,
    Great article! I have done all the same research as you have so well synopsized. I became very sick with a myriad of issues two years ago. One was a goiter. I was prescribed 14 different meds (including Testosterone) and had over 100 lab tests. I took no meds. I knew it was something simple. I kept telling the MDs it was something simple and something was off with my chemistry. I had goiter, low t, hypertension, high cholesterol, histamine issues, insomnia, gerd, anxiety, hot flashes to name some. All my ailments came upon me within a couple of months. As a highly educated research and systems analyst I knew it was too coincidental to have so many ailments at one time after being so healthy (and athletic) for 54 yrs. I started reading, experimenting, and keeping a detailed log of what I ingested. Not a single MD addressed my goiter except to fine needle aspirate it. Which, by the way, caused complications. My food / supplement log revealed I wasn’t getting adequate sodium, zinc, calcium and then later, IODINE. I now take Iodine (IODORAL), qtr tsp sea salt with every liter of water, zinc, and calcium (not at the same time!!). I no longer have ANY of the problems I had two years ago. A few of the MDs that “treated” me are blown away by what I have done as they all wanted me to take prescription meds. I believe that a lot of my ills stemmed from the wrong medical direction I got years ago to stay away from salt. I am very good…too good…at following directions and became sodium deficient and iodine deficient. Bottom line: I would be a vegetable in the corner if I took all the meds prescribed.

    Your website is fantastic and btw, your 5 HTP direction has helped many (including me) to “refill their tank”. Much Thanksl

    What is your view on the conventional blood tests for minerals? Specifically, do agree that, due to our efficient homeostasis, unless your body stores are critically low, normal chemistry does not truly represent your bodies (deficient) intracellular stores?

    Thanks again!

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 28, 2015

      That is a great testimonial, Gary. Thank you for sharing! The iodine research really blew me away. I started researching it years ago and then left it because I couldn’t believe that something so obvious could be the missing key. I am a bit slow! Well, I’ve been brainwashed by the system and it has taking me this much to de-program myself and open my eyes again. I agree that conventional blood tests are not useful. Over and over again people have tested normal for magnesium, yet they feel so much better supplementing it. A lot of folk don’t have access to specific tests which will measure intracellular stores.

      So the latest on this iodine research is that kinesiology (or muscle testing) could provide a good guidance to determine your iodine dose or which cofactors you need. Here are a couple of articles with some interesting info:

      We have also run into some trouble due to heavy metals. It seems that iodine is a MOST effective mercury mobilizer. But a few folk are needing supplementary support in the form of DMSA, garlic, ALA and other supplements in order to chelate the heavy metals effectively.

      Very fascinating research. I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of the population is really hypothyroid. Mercury can block your hormone’s function even when they are in normal range on lab tests. Perfect example is thyroid function, all can be normal yet it might not be functioning due to mercury blocking.

      I hope many people will benefit from this research. Best wishes!

      • Gary  December 29, 2015

        Dr. Segura,
        Thanks for the response and the great links. The IODINE article reminded me to share that one of the ailments I had and didn’t mention earlier was H Plyori infection. IODINE (and zinc?) eradicated it and my breath tests (x3) all came back negative.
        The muscle testing sounds promising and a bit like Ayurveda. I will read more about it.
        WRT blood tests for minerals…Have you ever heard of or tried EXATEST? Scraping sublingual tissue and sending it off for spectrometry.
        I appreciate your candor about reprogramming and reopening your eyes. One of the MDs I saw was the Head of Internal Medicine who has been practicing pharmaceutical medicine for 30 yrs. He claims that due to me teaching him so much coupled with the proof of my improved health, he has started “moonlighting” in orthomolecular medicine.
        I really appreciate the SOTT site. I will be doing some more digging. It’s banner is right up my alley…ha.

        All the best,

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 29, 2015

        That is great, Gary. Yes, I heard about the EXATEST, although I am not big in specialized lab tests. It is a good guide nevertheless.

        Much health to you and your loved ones. Best!

    • Clinton Bashore  November 10, 2016

      You might try to find a study done in Finland on gluten and the myriad effects it addition to disabling villi.

  6. SUE  January 4, 2016

    A] Is iodine itself required by every cell in the body, or is that another way of saying thyroid hormone is so required?

    B] Iodine has been cited as being helpful in maintaining a positive GABA/glutamate balance. Would you please explain the mechanism involved? And again, is it iodine itself, or the thyroid hormones that actually have that role?

    C] Why the recommendation to space one’s Vitamin C away from one’s iodine by “at least one hour …preferably two”?

    D] Likewise re. the recommendation to space one’s iodine and saltwater?

    E] Re. your statement, ” ….exposure to many chemicals that inhibit iodine binding in the body (e.g., bromide, fluoride, chloride) further worsens the problem,”

    >> A pharmD representing a maker of lamotrigine [LT] has indicated the medication has been linked to hypo-T. But she did not know whether the two Cl- groups on the drug molecule was the reason for that effect. What do you think?

    >> Might LT — or other drugs containing halide groups — compete with iodine at binding sites all around the body?

    >> If someone has been on lamotrigine — said to accumulate in melanogenic tissues — for a few years, but is off it now, would there be steps, besides increasing one’s iodine intake, which he/she could/should take to flush the LT from his/her body?

    >> Is the substantia nigra considered a “melanogenic tissue”?

    >> What is the significance of iodine storage in the various tissues cited in your fine paper [above]? Specifically in the substantia nigra?

    F] Would you please comment on the use of Iosol® as one’s concentrated iodine source, as opposed to Lugol’s [or others]?

    Thanks very much.


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 5, 2016

      Hello Sue,

      Iodine research is still ongoing. It is really fortunate that 20th century policies contributed largely to the iodine ignorance. Perhaps all these questions would be answered otherwise.

      It seems iodine plays a crucial role in our endocrinal glands and not just the thyroid gland. You can get an idea of how important iodine is just by realizing how toxic elements destroys your health. For instance, read this article:

      Iodine deals with heavy metals and halides. Any source containing these toxic elements are potentially harmful. Fluoride in the water, chlorine and bromide compounds and the ubiquitous presence of mercury, lead, etc. Affliction of the pineal gland is a big one and we know the pineal gland gets calcified with fluoride consumption. I know of a radiologist who doesn’t report calcification of the pineal gland in her reports because it is so frequent that she sees it as a “normal finding”.

      Since vitamin C and salted water could neutralize the iodine, it is advised to take it away from your iodine dose.

      I suggest you read the recommended books on the topic to get an idea of how iodine research was “silenced” and how it is being rediscovered again. Hopefully we’ll learn more about iodine’s role in our brain and general health as more people dig into it.

      As for iosol Vs other forms of iodine, you can read the following paper for some clarifications:

      Iosol has 1830 mcg/drop of Iodine only. It is microgram dosages and thus not enough to deal with a significant deficiency.

  7. SUE  January 9, 2016

    Dr. Segura, your paper includes “prostate disorders” on the list of conditions which have been treated — I assume, successfully — with iodine. Since modern medicine has led the Western World to believe all men will incur such issues at some point, would you please expound on the benefits of iodine therapy in BPH — responsible for insomnia, among other troubles, in a large part of the mature population?

    Thanks very much.


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 9, 2016

      Hello Sue,

      Iodine deficiency is related to a loss of glandular structure. Glands become bigger, cystic or nodular. For instance: goiter, fibrocystic breasts and BPH. Correcting iodine deficiency can improve or treat those conditions. There are excellent testimonials in the books quoted in this article. It is a very gratifying reading.


  8. SUE  January 16, 2016

    Dr. Segura,

    >> Do the above recommendations re. unrefined salt intake apply only during the initial phase[s] of iodine therapy? Or are they guidelines we can use on a daily basis all the time?

    >> Does spacing salt forty minutes apart from iodine supplement intake apply only when using liquid supplements [e.g., Lugol’s], or to tablet forms as well?

    Thank you.


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 16, 2016

      The salted water is really very important as a daily plan. The very minimum is unrefined salt 1/4th of a teaspoon in a glass of water per day indefinitely.

      The spacing applies for any form of iodine including the tablet form.


  9. SUE  January 17, 2016

    Dr. Segura, does the statement, “Dietary fat removes iodine from the diet,” which appears in the paper on detoxification, have practical significance for people on iodine supplementation programs?

    Thank you for clarifying.


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 18, 2016

      Not really. Iodine is definitely doing its magic despite people being on a high fat, low carb diet. The important thing to keep in mind is that iodine protects fish oil from getting oxidized. Best!

  10. Mark  January 17, 2016

    I’m very thankful that I found your website. This is another excellent article you have done and very timely for me. My MD said I have all the symptoms of low thyroid but she tested for it and it came back negative. I have been thinking that I am likely not getting enough iodine because I don’t eat salt except a bit for cooking when it’s necessary. So I will start on the iodine as you have described.

    I use sea salt (it has iodine added) and I use Himalayan pink salt. Do you know if one of these is better than the other?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 18, 2016

      Either should be okay, Mark. As long as it is unrefined.

      This is really a most crucial subject. Mercury can block thyroid function. So even if your thyroid levels are normal, thyroid hormones could be “non-functional”. You can read more about it here:

      Some are saying that there is up to 90% thyroid deficiency. In any case, make sure you know about mercury chelation. It could be with ALA, chlorella, garlic, DMSA, etc. Iodine is excellent for detoxing and mobilizing mercury, but some additional help might be needed to chelate the iodine from the body in some people with sluggish detox systems. Best!

      • Mark  January 18, 2016

        Thank you for this. It is a very enlightening paper. One more question, can I substitute niacinamide with niacin. I’m already taking this.



      • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 19, 2016

        Sure, that is another option.

  11. David Rodgers  January 25, 2016

    Have you heard of exogenous therapeutic ketones? Very new product in the US.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 27, 2016

      I heard of them, but in my experience “there is no free lunch”. Nothing replaces the dietary changes and understanding why it is important to eat healthy.

  12. Rebecca  January 28, 2016

    Very good read! Thank you!

  13. Clara  February 10, 2016

    A holistic advocate and supplement
    provider/advisor ( ” ROWEX ” ) via
    radio broadcast advises to place
    liquid iodine on your abdomen skin
    using an amount to make a spot
    about the size of the Kennedy half
    dollar then observe … and if the
    spot disappears within a few hours
    (whilist not being touched, rubbed,
    or washed … etc) … then … they
    claim that you are in a state of
    hypothyroidism … and need to
    continue the applications …….
    apparently until such time as the
    Iodine-darkened spot no longer

    Do you have knowledge as to the
    validity or non-validity of this
    iodine absorbtion claim?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 12, 2016

      Hello Clara,

      The test is not reliable as there are several factors including variability in absorption and other problems other than low thyroid function (i.e. toxicity issues). Iodine really needs to be supplemented. In an ideal world where there is no toxicity and when foods are rich in iodine, it would be a different situation. Unfortunately, we live in very toxic and iodine deficient times.

  14. Yvonne  February 10, 2016

    Hi! I have read that using Iodine when someone has Hashimoto’s is like putting gas on a fire. I don’t understand that, when it would seem that is what the thyroid needs. Why would that be harmful?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 12, 2016

      Exactly, iodine is precisely what is needed. But people with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune predispositions have a lot of fire in them. If this fire is not calmed down, iodine metabolism could be erratic. Typically, people with Hashimoto’s need selenium supplementation and ALL the suggested cofactors. They need more antioxidants to calm down the fire of inflammation. There is more information on David Brownstein’s book suggested above.

      • Yvonne  February 12, 2016

        So how would you know when to start iodine supplementation? I dread having a thyroid med.(WP Thyroid) do the job of the thyroid, I want to fix the thyroid. I don’t think you can fix it without iodine, and I don’t want to prolong the lack of this nutrient. Began selenium just this week but been taking(10) other vits. and supplements for this for 3 mos. prior.(turmeric, cod liver oil etc.) How do you know when the fire has calmed?

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 12, 2016

        Avoiding gluten and other toxic foods is also a priority. Doing some research on detox, i.e. heavy metal detox will also be useful. That sets things on fire. Making sure you don’t have iron overload is also important:

        I would spend some 3-6 more months healing the gut with a healthy diet (i.e. see “Grain Brain” by David Perlmutter) and taking supplements. Then, I would consider starting the iodine at the lowest dose (one drop 2% lugol) and have faith in the healing process. Make you you read the recommended material, it will help you to navigate your healing process much more effectively.


  15. Yvonne  February 12, 2016

    Am off all grains and gluten, no dairy, no sugar and have been tested for iron. Have used black walnut in the past (which contains iodine) without any trouble so I am hoping that it will be a smooth transition into the diet. But perhaps will wait a bit longer. Thank you for your great insight, and knowledge I am grateful for people like you! You make this scary diagnosis seem conquerable! just want to do it naturally (it’s for my 11 yr. old daughter).

  16. Timothy Price  April 5, 2016

    Seems like there is always someone trying to make money from their “special” product. Iodine is no exception. Why bother with all the various forms that are so expensive?
    For myself, after many years of experimentation, I use 7% strong iodine. I put 4 drops in a pint of water which I then seal with a tight lid. I take a swallow a day and it lasts about a week.
    Iodine is not very toxic and a lot can be tolerated by the body. The alcohol in iodine solutions is toxic in higher amounts, but not at all in the amount that is in 4 drops within a pint of water, and consumed at about a tbs. a day.

    Works fine.

    • Yvonne  April 5, 2016

      That sounds great, I am all for easy!(and inexpensive)So glad you have come to a reasonable solution.(no pun intended!)
      I don’t like all the alcohol in many supplement products, even herbal tinctures, so when you can do with out it it’s a big plus.

    • Mark Butler  October 4, 2016

      There is no alcohol in Lugol’s iodine. It’s just potassium iodide and iodine. You can make it yourself at a 1/10th of the price. The recipe is here –

  17. Andy Padjen  April 6, 2016


    Thanks for the helpful info and your passion and your time.

    I’ve suspected for several years that my adrenal glands are fatigued — I strongly suspect I have low cortisol.

    For the past 3 years I’ve been in therapy to help resolve emotional pain, which will hopefully lower the amount of stress in my body. I have PTSD from growing up in an unsafe environment. Therapy is slowly helping, but progress is very slow, and my body still feels stressed by the emotional pain.

    Also, for the past 5 years I’ve been on a high-fat, low-carb diet. But diet alone has not restored my adrenals, my health. I’m still doing high-fat, low-carb because my body seems to do better when I eat this way, but again the diet hasn’t restored my health.

    So I’d like to try to provide my body with more support. I’m considering supplementing with Adrenal Cortex or with Iodine.

    QUESTION: Do you have an opinion about which supplement I should try: adrenal cortex or iodine? Or both at the same time?

    Thanks for any help you’re willing to provide.


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 7, 2016

      Dear Andy,

      I would start with adrenal cortex and if after two weeks, you don’t see improvement, I would start with the heel dosing protocol:

      I would do the iodine at some point or another, but when you feel ready. It will help you to process emotions, but the detox reactions must not be underestimated. Read this interview that I did to Lynne Farrow, it will give you an idea of what to expect:

      I have had my emotional turmoil to deal with along the years. All the steps are very important, but addressing the root of the problems for adrenal fatigue are of utmost importance. In my case, there was a huge component of heavy metal toxicity, stealth infections and iodine deficiency. All the other tools are great (, emotional work and bodywork), but working on healing “the body” goes a long way.

      Hope this helps,


      • Yvonne  April 8, 2016

        That was a GREAT interview! It answered and confirmed so many things I have thought about. Thank you so much. What a blessing.

      • Andy Padjen  April 8, 2016


        Thanks so much for your thoughts and for sharing pieces of your journey.

        I’m going to start taking the Adrenal Cortex tomorrow.

        QUESTION: Should I take the adrenal cortex with meals?

        Also, I’m going to read your interview with Lynne Farrow and also read Lynne’s book.

        Thanks again!


      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 9, 2016

        If you take the adrenal cortex without foods, there is a small possibility of stomach discomfort. If that happens, take adrenal cortex with foods.

        Hoping you the best in this healing journey and thank you for your kind words!


  18. linda  April 23, 2016

    i am in awful pain from weaning of prednisone i am on 3 one mg aday is there anything i can take to ease the pain i am taking 2 tylonel 3 a day and it does not help i”ve read that vit.c magnesium ,salt water may help. .

  19. Maggi  July 7, 2016

    Thank you so so so much for this amazing homepage.

    I suspect i have adrenal fatigue, after living with a lot of stress and undergoing surgery, being diagnosed with endometriosis (no symtoms at all, only when cysts burst), adhd, starting medicating for adhd, got a neverending infection and after that, my resting heart rate incrrased by 30bpm. I pushed myslef over the edge by working and training despite my symtoms and being anemic for years (recurring). I couldnt stand up without my dexamphetamine and thats what kept me going. Insane now that i think of it. But my heart rate and palpitations had me worried. Add to that i hadnt slept properly for 1,5 years and barely not at all for 6 months prior.
    I am a healthy 33 yo female living in sweden, been into athleticism my whole life with a diet based on clean foods.
    I have given up milk and gluten even though i never reacted badly to either (phlegm from caseine but thats about it) eating an anti inflammatory diet hoping to cure my endo as well as variois supps.
    I have symtoms of estrogen dominance,hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue. All tests are nornal ofc, and my ferritin is up to 42 but should go up to 60 so i take 100mg Fe2 at night still.

    I have a 5% lugols at home, as well as thorne B-complex and ascorbic acid, maca and whatnot.

    My question is if ascorbic acid is sufficient or if i should buy a time release product instead?
    I take selenium every day, as brazil nuts (3-6), do i need to supplement or is this sufficient?
    Is ALA found in any oils except milk thistle (cold pressed flaxseed?) i can take instead of a pill?
    Is my thorne b-complex enough for now (25mg riboflavin and 3,6mg riboflavin-5′-sodiumphosphate, 80mg niacin as niconinamide)?
    I take one drop 5% lugols and thought of increase one drop a week until i reach 50mg. Can i increase faster if no symtoms occur?

    I am sorry for this long post, i have gotten a lot better this past month but i am determined to beat this and i beliene you have just given me hope of actually doing so. I want to get back to work and training as soon as possible, preferably without adhd medication.

    Thank you so much for your time and effort!!

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  July 8, 2016

      Hello Maggi,

      I think iodine will help you, yes. If you have an overt reaction detox reaction, stay at 1 drop on alternative days. For most people, a dose close to 25mg is enough. There is also the heel dosing protocol for those who are very sensitive:

      As for the iron, it is a bad idea. Ferritin levels of 42 are ideal. Do see my post on iron overload:

      Any excess iron you take will cause oxidation and inflammation. Ferritin levels of 40 are preferable.

      Ascorbic acid is sufficient. Make sure you space it out from your lugol dose.

      It is better if you take selenium instead of the brazil nuts in order to have control of the dose. You’ll need 200 mcg of selenium otherwise you put yourself at risk.

      ALA is alpha lipoic acid. You can choose between that or milk thistle, or take both. It is to support detox pathways, repair DNA and protect the liver.

      Your thorne B complex might do for now. But no, the dose might not be enough. It is best to have niacinamide, riboflavin separately.

      You can increase the lugol faster if no symptoms occur. But I would stay around 20-30 mg maximum. It is better when you take it on alternative days, unless you experience bromide detox symptoms in which case you can stop until symptoms disappear. Don’t forget the salted water.

      YOu can listen to this show as well (the trasncript is available on the link):

      Highly useful information!

      Much healing your way.

      • Maggi  July 9, 2016

        Thank you kindly for your reply, Dr Segura.

        I have purchased ALA and the B-vits. Will get a hold of selenium by monday. According to food calculations i should be getting enough from food, the nuts excluded, so ill probably manage until monday :)

        I have by accident gotten more than one drop 5% lugols for these past few days. The first drop was huge. And the day after too and i got two large ones assiming they were regular drops. 2nd day my bf wanted to participate as well, as he has been feeling worn out for the past months, barely able to manage work and too exhausted to even go to the gym.

        He took the same dose as I. And yesterday, day three, the drops were really small (normal i assume), which confused me so i guess i got 6 or 8 of them in my water (bf noticed the same and did the same).

        Heres the thing: i notice something and that something is good.
        Usually i am fatigued. If i have one day of energy i am exhausted for another 4-5 days. I have had continuous energy for four or five days now. A bit sluggish in the am, but shortly after vit C and especially if drinking C continuously during the day i have felt great. I even played with the dog yesterday which is unheard of.
        I have slept great (a miracle) too, and this morning was my day 1 of my period and my morning temp was 36,82. Usually day 1 it drops as low as 36,1. It has NEVER been that high day 1, or any day pre-ovulation. I am hoping to cure my endometriosis as i have refused to use synthethic estrogen treatments.

        Hands and feet still cold mostly but maybe that will fade. And if i get my sex drive back i will tell the world about iodine!!! I didnt expect to notice any changes at all this fast.

        I have noticed my urine has a foul smell in the evening…

        Question: bf refuses to drink salted water. He throws up, as he had a salt water accident as a child. Is there any other way?

        I have salt water when i wake up, then breakfast 30-45 min later. Iodine water and supplements shortly after, and ascorbic acid 3-4g about two hours later. I try to have the same regimen for bf, but he is a bit of a whiner so vit C takes him hours to drink up ( 4g in a pint of water) and he is overall a bad drinker unless he is thirsty (or work out).
        I had appx 6-7g of vit C yesterday. No diarrhea. This is insane!! :)

        Will take a break from iodine today though and focus on supps mainly because i am scared of potential side effects esp for my bf (he hasnt felt anything special but he has had a bit more energy, he is also a former smoker and have used them e-juices for years until he quit completely a few months back).

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  July 10, 2016

        That is great to hear, Maggi!! Keep up the good work and the precautions. If your bf doesn’t like salted water, he can add the salt on a broth or warm up the water.

      • Maggi  July 9, 2016

        Oh I forgot..

        One of my symtoms were (is) elevated resting heart rate. I assume it os from a long time of exessive stress. Is this phenomenon anything you are familiar with? I am trying to find out where it came from and how i will make it go away.

        I also get anemic repeatedly and have been adviced to take Fe2+ during my menstruationas because of this. I do not have hemochromatosis in my family gene pool but should I not use iron tablets preventively?. I have had a lot heavier hair loss than usual for 4 months or so and i came across information saying 60 is optimal ferritin for women which will allow my hair loss to halter (if that is even the cause of it, that is…)
        I just want my hair back :(

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  July 10, 2016

        There could be a little bit of an autonomic imbalance, but I would focus on healing. If there is no anemia, Fe2+ is really not needed. For peace of mind, you can take the tablets and later monitor your blood levels though.

        People with 120 ferritin or the normal range can also have hair loss. There are many causes for hair loss and anemia is not the typical cause in the Western world and/or those who don’t have anemia due to blood loss.

        Onwards and upwards!

  20. Lynn  August 19, 2016

    Have been totally enjoying your articles Dra Garbriela, but wish you were still here in CR ! We so desperately need your “functional medicine” approach.
    A few questions in reference to the Iodine Supplementation:
    -My TSH has shot up dramatically after incremental increases in Iodine dosing (which I understand is typical, but my levels are sooo high): TSH up to 62.60 mid May while on 18.75mg Tri-Iodine (freeT4 0.44 & free T3 2.07-a decrease in both from prior); TSH117 early July while on 25mg Tri-Iodine since June (began with 6.25 mg Tri-Iodine 1 yr ago & increased to 12.5mg in April 2016); also d/c’d NatureThyroid 65mg beginning March (TSH went up to 5.80 in April) this yr, because of concern regarding neck lump (turned out it was too high on neck to be thyroid though; currently pending biopsy report in Caja). Been on 43.75mg Lugols now since Aug 1st & not planning on increasing any more. Have not gone back on Thyroid med, since decided to 1st work on balancing Adrenals with DHEA & Hydro-cortisone 1st, after having obtained testing. Been feeling fairly good, energy levels increased & more stable with minimal Adrenal support, temps still kinda low and skin still pretty dry & flaky.
    – Is there an upper TSH value at which I should I be concerned, despite no symptoms of hyperthyroidism ? I am assuming it is predominantly from the increasing Iodine dosing & NIS, and some from suspending the Naturethyroid, however I have NOT read anything in the Iodine literature about TSH going up as high as mine has. My new physician thought the the 62.6 value might have been an error from the lab, so sent me to get a subsequent TSH at another lab, but it came back even higher (117), since I had further incremented the Iodine dosage in between labs. Should I be concerned with these high values ?
    -What is your opinion on the value of using a serum Thyroglobulin level to assess Iodine status, since Urine Iodine testing is not available here ?
    -Re: the recommended B2 Riboflavin supplementation of 100-200mg, can one get away with less if using Riboflavin-5-Phosphate ? And if so, how much ?
    Thanks so much for your input and looking forward to reading more of your articles & possibly even meeting you when you come home to visit in CR.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  August 21, 2016

      Hello Lynn,

      I’m glad you’re enjoying Costa Rica. Its nature is so absolutely beautiful!

      I think that the TSH values could be a lab error? I don’t recall seeing such high values under any circumstances. It doesn’t seem to match the way you are feeling either. Higher TSH values due to stimulation of the NIS receptors should normalize after 6-8 months, although it is not unusual to take it awhile longer. Is your T3 and T4 normal? Have they checked for thyroid anti-bodies?

      Keep an eye on this, it is important to rule out another source of TSH stimulation other than the iodine.

      As for the riboflavin, you can follow label instructions from the methylated one. However, i would not miss the selenium, just in case there is an abnormal metabolism of iodine which needs compensation with selenium.

      As for the adrenal support, sounds good. Just make sure you continue doing some detective work as to the possible root causes. A stealth infection or toxicity issues could be putting some strain to your adrenals.

      As for the iodine, yeah, don’t increase the dose for the time being. You can actually supplement with potassium iodide which is usually better tolerated. Some people maintain their lugol intake to the minimum required for better energy and health, and supplement with potassium iodide on an occasional basis (100-200mg) for proper iodine saturation.

      I don’t think the serum thyroglobulin would be a better marker than urine tests, however, you can do it to see how it is.

      Let me know how your TSH values are. It would be good if you could have it done from an independent lab with a good quality reputation.


  21. ruth  October 24, 2016

    Thank you Dr Segura. I recently had blood test of TSH 3.2mU/L and Free T4 of 16.0pmol/L with Antibodies to TPO of 44kU/L. I had been taking Kelp ONE capsule everyday for a period of 4 months before the test and now I only take Kelp every 2nd day. ONE week ago, I started taking DMSO with aloe vera juice, Colloidal silver and together with 5 drops SSKI for intestinal stricture. After 4 days, my hands & feet got very cold so I no longer take SSKI. My question is could SSKI make my thyroid haroshima symptoms worsen? I have not been able to buy all organic food. I have stopped consuming dairy food, refined sugar, wheat and gluten containing food. Due to irritable bowel, I started pysllium, ground flax powder, 1/2tsp bentonite, magnesium citrate up to 500mg a day with potassium citrate 99mg, 1g vitamin c, 1x bioflavonoids, fish oil 3g and vit d 75mcg and 1x Nutricology multivitamin without iron & copper. Is there anything that can detox my consumption of non-organic food everyday? Should I ask my doctor for Lab test of iodine deficiency?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  October 24, 2016

      You can ask for iodine test, but most people have to order it on a specialized lab. It is a urine test after a load of 50mg of iodoral or lugol.

      You can try coffee enemas for detox:

      It is cheap and can be effective.

      Careful with the psyllium and flax, as some people’s IBS worsen on seed/fibers.

      Hashimoto’s might worse with iodine if you don’t supplement beforehand and during iodine treatment with selenium. When you have autoimmune issues, it is important to supplement with all the cofactors.

  22. ruth  October 25, 2016

    Thank you Dr Segura. Sorry, I do not know all the cofactors that are good for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. What are all the cofactors supplements for autoimmue disease? Please confirm as I lack of understanding. Is hashimotos could get worse if do not supplement with Selenium before the Iodine deficiency lab test? OR one should supplement with Selenium before taking Iodine supplement daily to help Hashimotos (that is if lab test comes back confirming iodine deficiency).. How much is the Selenium that is safe to take daily?
    Where do you buy cheap organic and not moldy coffee for enema? Apart from coffee enema, is there anything second best as I do have internal & external hemorrhoids. Due to the recent(april, 2016), my peristalsis slowed down and became irritable. It is better now since Spiritually God has helped me on the new diet, learning Emotion freedom techninque, on this DMSO orally and on supplements. My urine and Saliva ph are both 6.2 for the last 7 days. Do you know anything that could help increase my ph to 6.4 to 7.0?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  October 25, 2016

      Dear Ruth,

      Did you read the article? All the cofactors and the safe doses are listed there. Selenium is important to prevent a worsening of any autoimmune disease. You could try the coffee enema with a lubricant in order to get less irritation. It will help you with bowel movements and detox in general. All the best!

    • Yvonne  October 25, 2016

      There are 2 wonderful books you should read: The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow and Iodine why you need it, why you cant live without it by Dr. David Brownstein .These 2 books talk about and explain the protocol, what you can do before the protocol to eliminate detox reactions. My daughter (12) has Hashimotos and these 2 books are great.

  23. Louise  December 23, 2016

    Hi Dr. Segura,
    I am one of those few people who cannot take Iodine, and I am sure that I need it badly.

    I did all the co-factors and salt prior to taking 0,5mg for 3 days. I broke out in a itchy rash all over my body. I stopped immediately and 2 months after the rash is still worsening. Going the slow route would probably take 5-10 years since I am having detox reactions to almost any supplement for anywhere from months to years even at tiny amounts. My digestive system is very compromised. So I am looking for an alternative route.

    Right now I am continuing with the co-factors, taking milk thisle, chlorella and pau d´arco tea to support my detox pathways. My plan is to make my own liposomal vitamins and other supplements and hopefully by surpassing the digestive system they will finally do me good.

    My question is this: What are your thoughts about high dosage of iodine straight away – 50mg or even 100mg?
    I had surgery done (removal of fibroids) through the stomach 8 months ago and my skin was disinfected with iodine. I had no reactions to it at all and I suppose the dosage was huge. Is the kind of iodine the same as in Lugol´s?

    Thank you for sharing invaluable knowledge.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  December 23, 2016

      Hello Louise,

      With your reactions, I would abstain from using high doses of iodine. Instead, you can try topical iodine with betadine and the heel dosing protocol:

      Hope this helps!

      • Louise  December 28, 2016

        Thank you so much, I value your response greatly.
        The betadine looks interesting and might be the way to go for me. My first attempt was inspired by the heel technique but not at the lowest dosage suggested. The Milk thisle seems to calm the ezema fortunately. Once it’s gone I´ll try iodine once again.

  24. Michael  January 25, 2017

    Greetings Dr. Segura, I just found this info flow. I had periodontal problems a few years back and worked diligently at controlling the problem – with success. I recently changed dentists and it was discovered that this problem is back. I refuse to go to a periodontitis again. I am now on a daily basis ‘Oil Pulling’ this is a time proven way to control bacteria. I use coconut oil and have begun adding 2 drops of Lugol’s 7%, I swish this for the recommended 20 minutes. I start my day doing this. After just a few short days I notice a difference. Along with improvement in my gums I am blowing a significant amount of mucus out of my nostrils every day. I don’t have a negative feeling about it but wonder if it is a sign of something I should be concerned about.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 25, 2017

      Hello Michael, I’m glad to hear that you are getting this problem under control. The mucous production could be some detox symptoms, or it could be something related to a upper respiratory viral infection. The troubleshooting with iodine is that often, it energizes all living organisms, specially viruses in your organism. The real anti-viral iodine doses are often much higher and therein lies the problem… High doses of iodine can trigger significant detox symptoms and are not safe to do for inexperienced people. It is a fine line to navigate. If your current plan doesn’t give you trouble and if you are seeing positive results, then I would say carry on with your experiment.

  25. ruth  February 8, 2017

    Hi Dr Segura,
    My iodine test was 18 (severe deficiency as normal should be >100). After taking 50mg of SSKI for 7 weeks, my TSH level went up to 6.63 and FT3 is low 3.4 and FT4 is at lower range 12.6. So, I quit SSKI. The last 2 days I started taking 6.25mg of IODORAL Twice a day. Just wondering whether you have any experience with other patients that have had similar changes of TSH, FT3 and FT4 after taking iodine or iodide. I have been taking Selenium 200mcg, Premier Lab-LIVER ND, MAX B ND, Vitamin C, D and Fish Oil. The positive outcome after taking selenium and iodine potentially could have helped reduced my TG antibodies ( from 65 to 25) and TPO antibodies (from 42 to 32). I greatly appreciate your help.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 9, 2017

      Hi Ruth,

      It is common to have changes in TSH when starting iodine, a lot of people report them. The concept that TSH goes up as a stimulator of iodine receptors seems to be what is happening in a lot of cases. Others just develop a thyroiditis and it is an indication that they should hold back on iodine and work on calming down the fire in the body with selenium, detox, etc. Usually antibodies are positive and/or go up in this latter case.

      If you feel better and you see your antibody markers goes down and your thyroid hormones in range, likely you are benefiting. TSH readings should be more reliable after 6 months of taking the minimal dose of iodine to make you feel better. Hope this helps.


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