Iodine – Suppressed knowledge that can change your life

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Given the highly toxic state most people find themselves in, the rapidly changing environment which we live in, and the incredible ability that iodine has to strengthen people’s health and improve their lives, I decided to write the following summary about iodine supplementation as an introduction to the subject. The information presented here is based on preliminary research available on this forum discussion thread on iodine and on the books Iodine: Why You Need ...

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The origins of the HPV vaccine – A case of corruption in science

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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is possibly the most dangerous one on the market today. Supposedly designed to possibly prevent infections by certain types of human papillomavirus associated with the development of cervical cancer, genital warts, and other cancers, according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), there were 41,236 adverse effects including 1,373 people disabled, 233 deaths, 705 life threatening cases and, 5,575 serious adverse effects up until September 2015.

Keep in mind that ...

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It’s official – Time to drop hazardous low fat guidelines

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The history of the national conviction that dietary fat is deadly, and its evolution from hypothesis to dogma, is one in which politicians, bureaucrats, the media, and the public have played as large a role as the scientists and the science.

~ Gary Taubes

Finally someone from the conventional world of nutrition has stepped forward to state the obvious: Swedish expert committee: A low-carb diet is most effective for weight loss. Mainstream guidelines can no longer ignore ...

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The Ketogenic Diet – An Overview

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Ketosis is an often misunderstood subject. Its presence is thought to be equal to starvation or a warning sign of something going wrong in your metabolism. But nothing could be farther from the truth, except if you are an ill-treated type 1 diabetic person.[1] Ketones – contrary to popular belief and myth – are a much needed and essential healing energy source in our cells that comes from the normal metabolism of fat.

The entire body uses ketones in a more ...

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Heart attacks, CFS, herpes virus infection and the vagus nerve

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I came across upon some very interesting research regarding the vagus nerve and chronic viral infections. This happened almost the exact same day someone very close to me had a heart attack shortly after a herpes virus infection. He is now out of danger and well into recovery, but his words stayed with me: “I think the herpes virus got a hold of my vagus nerve and that is why I had a heart attack”. I thought to myself, it ...

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The Iron Elephant – The Dangers of Iron Overload

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The Iron Elephant – What you should know about the dangers of excess body iron (Vida Publishing Inc.) – is a book written by journalist Roberta Crawford which was first brought to my attention via‘s discussion board. As it happens, one of the members was suffering from extreme fatigue and joint problems related to an autoimmune condition that was not responding neither to vitamin C or ...

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Heal your Adrenals with this Easy Program

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If you are “adrenals are shot”, then your stress-coping abilities are severely depleted. That is, you’ll just stress out.

Adrenal fatigue can affect anyone who experiences frequent, persistent, or severe mental, emotional or physical stress. It can be a contributing factor in health conditions ranging from allergies to obesity. Despite its prevalence in our modern world, adrenal fatigue is for the most part ignored and misunderstood by the medical community.

The adrenals are located on top of your kidneys ...

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Vitamin C’s Historical and Miraculous Record

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If you are not familiarized with vitamin C’s miraculous record, now it is a good time to discover this treasure! First brought to my attention as a recommendation to a friend of mine who was critically ill, I was astounded to find out about the numerous testimonials around the world and its historical track record. Needless to say, vitamin C had a miraculous effect on my friend’s health and who knows what would have happened without vitamin C’s intervention.

For our ...

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Heal Thyself with Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C

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“In fact even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than scurvy itself. When such a condition is not detected, and continues uncorrected, the teeth and bones will be damaged, and what may be even more serious, the blood stream is weakened to the point where it can no longer resist or fight infections not so easily cured as scurvy.” –Food and Life Yearbook ...

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Detoxifying the Body, Mind and Soul: A Holistic Approach

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Environmental toxicity  is absolutely everywhere. There are disturbing levels of man-made chemicals in wildlife, fish, waters, plants, even in the frozen Arctic. Household cleaning products, kitchenware, house insulations, carpet outgases, paints, solvents, insecticides, greases, lawn mower, gas water heater, heated car engine, gas dryer, wallboards, pressed wood, plywood, wallpaper, mattresses, pillows… You name it, and it has a toxic chemical. And it is not one or two toxic chemicals. Take for instance carpet emissions, which emanate over 200 volatile organic ...

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