DMSO: The Real Miracle Solution

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Due to the nuclear alert in Japan and its likelihood to affect the United States and other parts of the world, I decided to carry this article which I wrote for the Dot Connector Magazine‘s issue N. 12.

First, a little bit of background.

Radiation produces free-radicals (“inflammatory molecules”) that damage cells that make up tissues such as organs, glands, muscles, and bones. Besides causing the cells to age more quickly they also become distorted, or mutated, creating cancers such as leukemia, anemia, birth defects, and other diseases.

Sulfur has a long history of use as an antidote for acute exposure to radioactive material. DMSO is the classical sulfur compound. A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of DMSO had radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the whole body.

Remember that boosting your body’s detox capabilities and overall anti-oxidants levels is a key to survive in these stressful times. Being on a detox diet is crucial to regain health in a toxic environment. Our extensive experience and research shows that those on a no grain/low carb (no gluten) and non dairy diet fare MUCH better.

For more information on how to protect yourself from nuclear radiation, see:

Treatments for Nuclear Contamination

Iodine Treatments for Radiation Exposure – Radioprotective

DMSO is an effective pain killer, blocking nerve conduction fibers that produce pain. It reduces inflammation and swelling by reducing inflammatory chemicals. It improves blood supply to an area of injury by dilating blood vessels and increasing delivery of oxygen and by reducing blood platelet stickiness. It stimulates healing, which is a key to its usefulness in any condition. It is among the most potent free radical scavengers known to man, if not the most potent one.

In 1866, Russian scientist Alexander Saytzeff isolated a most curious and peculiar chemical compound. It was crystalline, odor-less, non-toxic and had a garlic-like taste when consumed. At the time, Saytzeff had no way to predict that his discovery was going to prove highly controversial throughout its entire medical history, that it was going to be tested in thousands of studies, providing miraculous relief in numerous patients.

I’m talking here about dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an organic sulfur compound which was used only as an industrial solvent, that is, until its medical properties were discovered in 1963 by a research team headed by Stanley W. Jacob, MD.
DMSO is a by-product of kraft pulping (the “sulfate process”) which converts wood into wood pulp consisting of almost pure cellulose fibers. As industrial as it may sound, the process simply entails a treatment of wood chips with a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide, known as white liquor, breaking the bonds which link lignin (from the Latin word lignum, meaning wood) to the cellulose.

DMSO is useful as a pain reliever, in burns, acne, arthritis, mental retardation, strokes, amyloidosis, head injury, scleroderma, it soothes toothaches, eases headaches, hemorroids, muscle strains, it prevents paralysis from spinal-chord injuries, it softens scar tissues. In fact, it is useful in well over 300 ailments and it is safe to use. You would think that a compound that has so many alleged uses and benefits will be automatically suspect, but careful examination of its properties and the data available will shed some light in this miraculous chemical.

Sulfur: The Stuff of Life

DMSO is an intermediate product of the global Sulfur Cycle which distributes bioavailable sulfur for all animal and plant life (Parcell, 2002). Sulfur compounds are found in all body cells and are indispensable for life, they are needed for a number of chemical reactions involved in the detoxification of drugs and other harmful toxins, and they have potential clinical applications in the treatment of a number of conditions such as depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, intersticial cystitis, athletic injuries, congestive heart failure, diabetes, cancer, and AIDS (Parcell, 2002). Among the sulfur compounds, DMSO is probably the one that has the widest range and greatest number of therapeutic applications ever shown for any other single chemical. It has around 40 pharmacological properties that may be beneficial in the prevention, relief or reversal of numerous diseases (Morton, 1993).

Someone complained to Dr. Jacob of a splitting headache and gave him permission to apply some DMSO after hearing of its capabilities. The headache was gone in minutes, came back in four hours, and left for good after DMSO was applied a second time. Used for one purpose, sometimes it did another; put on a cold sore, within a few hours it cleared up a woman’s sinusitis. A woman who had had a stroke found after DMSO was painted on her painful jaw that she could now write with her paralyzed hand and could walk better. (Haley, 2000)

Therapeutic Properties

DMSO is an effective pain killer, blocking nerve conduction fibers that produce pain. It reduces inflammation and swelling by reducing inflammatory chemicals. It improves blood supply to an area of injury by dilating blood vessels and increasing delivery of oxygen and by reducing blood platelet stickiness. It stimulates healing, which is a key to its usefulness in any condition. It is among the most potent free radical scavengers known to man, if not the most potent one. This is a crucial mechanism since some molecules in our bodies produce an unequal number of electrons and the instability of the number causes them to destroy other cells. DMSO hooks on to those molecules and they are then expelled from the body with the DMSO.



DMSO also penetrates the skin and the blood-brain barrier with ease, penetrating tissues, and entering the bloodstream. Furthermore, DMSO protects the cells from mechanical damage and less of it is needed to achieve results as time passes as oppossed to most pharmaceuticals where increasing doses are required. It has a calming effect in the central nervous system and it reaches all areas of the body, when absorbed through the skin, including the brain. That is, DMSO applied to one area often leads to pain relief in some other location due to its systemic effect.

It acts as a carrier for other substances or drugs and it also potentiates their effect. In fact, certain drugs dissolved in DMSO, such as corticoids, antibiotics and insulin, may be used in a lower dose than usual without reducing their therapeutic efficacy and in addition, their undesirable side effects are greatly diminished. Also, drugs are able to pass through the blood-brain barrier which is usually impenetrable.

DMSO promotes the excretion of urine and functions as a muscle relaxant. It boosts the immune system, increasing the production of white cells and macrophages that destroy foreign material and pathogens in the body. It also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. DMSO also increases the permeability of cell membranes, allowing a flushing of toxins from the cell.

DMSO has radioprotective properties against lethal and mutagenic effects of X-rays in cells, cellular systems and whole animals. It also has cryoprotective properties, meaning that it is capable of protecting against injury due to freezing.
DMSO has also been shown to have anti-cholinesterase properties (Sams, 1967), in other words, it inhibits an enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine, increasing both the level and duration of action of this important neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is responsible for learning and memory and is also calming and relaxing. Acetylcholine is also a major factor in regulating the immune system, acting as a major brake on inflammation in the body.

As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating.

FDA and Big Pharma Obstacles

DMSO is sold in health food stores, mail-order outlets, on the Internet, and in most countries around the world. It is used by millions for its health benefits yet in the U.S., DMSO has FDA approval only as a preservative of stem cells, bone marrow cells, and organs for transplant, and for interstitial cystitis – a painful inflammatory condition of the bladder which is very difficult to treat with other therapies.

That DMSO has not found favor as a remedy for other medical conditions is partly due to the inability to test it in double-blind experiments. Blind studies, as the name suggests, requires that a study be done without knowing which patient is taking the placebo or the drug. In the case of the DMSO, a blind study is impossible since the peculiar garlic-like taste and smell (no matter the route of application) gives it away and no satisfactory placebo could be devised that would mimic this particular effect of DMSO (Steinberg, 1967).

The FDA and big pharma would prefer we remain dependent on their drugs.

If you search for DMSO on the U.S. National Library of Medicine (, you’ll get almost 30,000 indexed results, making it one of the most studied compounds of our time. Yet, we are led to believe that DMSO can’t pass the required regulations for its approval in other medical conditions even though its effectiveness and low toxicity profile is unquestionable.

You see, DMSO is a common chemical that can be manufactured cheaply. No drug company can get an exclusive patent since it is also a natural compound, therefore there is no significant financial return. In fact, an executive of a major drug company is quoted as saying, “I don’t care if DMSO is the major drug of our century and we all know it is, it isn’t worth it to us” [CBS TV show 60 minutes with Mike Wallace, The Riddle of DMSO]. If DMSO were to be approved by the FDA, it would be competetive and drug companies would be unable to hold the patents. In the words of the director of the Bureau of Drugs of the FDA, J. Richard Crout, M.D., “DMSO is a low toxicity and safe compound (…) I think that it is a fact of life that drug companies are not going to invest in something unless they think there is some financial return” [CBS TV show 60 minutes with Mike Wallace, The Riddle of DMSO].

Despite restrictions on the use of DMSO, thousands of Americans purchase it on the ‘black market’ each year, its popularity due not to publicity, but rather ‘word of mouth’. When you have something that relieves all kinds of ailments, including some life-threatening ones, people naturally recommend it to friends and family!

In Perspective

In the 1960s, research with DMSO on humans was temporarily halted after certain animals treated with DMSO were found to have changes in the eye lens. Some of these changes resembled those seen in aging dogs (Gordon, 1967), but nevertheless, research was gradually restarted after no evidence was found of eye changes in humans. As Daniel Haley reports in his book Politics in Healing: “Tests in rabbits, dogs, and pigs (but not humans) had shown some problems. When quantities of DMSO equal to about ten times the maximum human dose were given every day over a period of six months, slight changes in the lenses of the animals’ eyes would result, enough to produce a slight nearsightedness. The lens changes were not enough to cause dogs difficulty when running – they didn’t bump into things – and in some cases, the changes disappeared after the massive DMSO doses were stopped. In no test at that time or since has DMSO ever caused cataracts, either in animals or in humans” (Haley, 2000).

In fact, DMSO is effective for macular degeneration and retinal disease, both diseases of the eye. This effectiveness was first discovered when patients with retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal disease, were taking DMSO for certain musculoskeleteal disorders. They sensed that their vision had improved and some had remarkable results (Morton, 1993).

As far as eyes are concerned, the evidence on DMSO is quite to the contrary. When several patients treated with DMSO for muscular problems reported to Dr. Jacob that their vision had improved, he sent them to Dr. Robert O. Hill, ophthalmologist at the University of Oregon Medical School. Confirming the favorable changes, Dr. Hill began his own experiments with DMSO (after it was known that the lens changes did not happen in humans). His research showed drops of 50% DMSO to be effective in retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration, and presented a report on this at the New York Academy of Sciences symposium in 1971. (Haley, 2000)

In contrast, the number of medication-related deaths in the U.S. is estimated at over 200,000 a year, making medications the third or fourth leading cause of death (Pezzalla, 2005). Even common pain relievers called NSAIDs, examples of which include Advil, Motrin, Aleve and aspirin, account for an estimated 7,600 deaths and 76,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. every year (Tamblyn et al, 1997). Taking this into consideration, it is safe to declare that DMSO is among the safest substances in the world today. In fact, the classic test for toxicity -the LD-50 test – measures the lethal dose (LD) at which half of a group of test animals is killed. The LD-50 tests for aspirin and DMSO show that aspirin is seven times more toxic than DMSO (Haley, 2000).

Quick Guide and Ailments

DMSO is generally applied to the skin in a gel, cream, or liquid. It can be taken by mouth or as an intravenous injection, in many cases along with other drugs. It has also been administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, intrathecally, by inhalation, instilled into the eye, on the mucous membranes, and into the urinary bladder. Strenghs and dosages vary widely.
If you are just dealing with pain or an injury, use a topical application. Don’t drink it. Drinking it is for serious detoxing and other internal necessities. If you use a rose scented DMSO cream, chances are that nobody will be able to smell DMSO’s garlic-like smell.

DMSO being distilled.


The usual oral dose of DMSO is one teaspoon per day of DMSO 70% (Morton, 1993). But since it can trigger detoxification reactions and DMSO’s total excretion from the body can take several days, it is best to do it only once a week. Start with half a teaspoon of DMSO 50% and increase to a teaspoon of DMSO 70% only if any possible detoxification reaction is well tolerated.

When you use liquid DMSO in the skin, let it dry for over 20 to 30 minutes before wiping the rest out. The skin must be clean, dry, and unbroken for any topical use of DMSO. The face and the neck are more sensitive to DMSO and no higher concenrations than 50% should be applied there. Topical concentrations of DMSO should be kept below 70% in areas where there is a reduction of circulation. When 60 to 90% DMSO is applied to the skin, warmth, redness, itching, and somtimes local hives may occur. This usually disappears within a couple of hours and using natural aloe vera, gel or cream, will help counteract or prevent this effect. When 60 to 90% DMSO is applied to the palm on the hand, the skin may wrinkle and stay that way for several days.

“My brother put some DMSO gel (70% dmso, 30% aloe vera) on his shoulders and lower part of neck because he had muscle pain/soreness in that area, and it caused skin redness/irritation for a few hours, although it did diminish the muscle soreness as well…my grandma has rheumatoid arthritis that made her legs swell up and hurt continuously, and I had her apply the same DMSO gel, and after about 2-3 days of applying it once a day, the swelling was 90% gone, and I think within 4-5 days it was 100% gone, and she said the pain diminished as well.” – Michael Shatskiy, Los Angeles, California, United States

Chronic pain patients often have to apply the substance for 6 weeks before a change occurs, but many report relief to a degree that had not been able to obtain from any other source. In general, the greater the chronicity of the disorder, the longer the treatment with DMSO must be employed in order to achieve palliation (Steinberg , 1967).

Common health problems for which people will apply topical DMSO at home include acute musculoskeletal injuries and inflammations. The earlier DMSO is used, the more dramatic the result. A 70% concentration of DMSO mixed with water in volumes ranging from 8 to 12 ml, applied on and around the injury in a wide area at least three times daily, will have a healing affect in 4 out ot 5 people.

Arthritis, Sprains, Strains

It provides rapid amelioriation of pain and increased mobility and reduction of inflammation when used topically. You can see a positive response within 5 to 20 minutes and usually lasting for 4 to 6 hours. (Steinberg, 1967).

“Applying DMSO where it hurt to a six-year-old wasted from rheumatoid arthritis, in a half hour the child could move her shoulder and turn her head for the first time in two years. Persuaded to try walking, she managed a few steps and then burst into tears. “Why are you crying?” Dr Jacob asked her. “Because it doesn’t hurt anymore”, she replied. (Haley, 2000)

“My brother has arthritis of the spine. He is in pain and bedridden more than half the time. When he is treated with DMSO, he is able to lead a normal, active life… Just one application of this cheap, safe DMSO changed my brother from a grimacing patient into an active, pain-free man in exactly 30 minutes!” (Haley, 2000)

June Jones, once quarterback and later coach of the Atlanta Falcons pro-football team, had a bursitis calcification in his right shoulder. His career almost didn’t happen as he could hardly lift his arm, let alone throw a football. But he was aware of DMSO and had used DMSO for sprains, like thousands of others. He received a shot of DMSO in the shoulder and after using DMSO for 30 days straight, the calcification disappeared. (Haley, 2000)


Given soon after a stroke, DMSO can dissolve the clot that causes the stroke, restoring circulation and avoiding paralysis. Once DMSO gets into the body either daubed on the skin, given in I.V., or by mouth, it permeates the body and crosses the brain barrier, so even taken orally it can improve circulation. Ideally it should be I.V.

DMSO products

DMSO is available in various formats.


Even though DMSO 40% causes a prolongation of bleeding time, it is still indicated for use in treating embolic or hemorrhagic stroke. DMSO is superior to any other treatment for wounds to the brain where a great deal of bleeding is present (Morton, 1993).

One man who had a stroke at 7:30 AM refused to go to the hospital until after his wife had spoken with Dr. Stanley Jacob, which didn’t happen until 6:30 PM. Starting at 7 PM the day of the stroke, she gave him one ounce of 50% DMSO in a little orange juice every 15 minutes for two hours and then every half hour for two hours. The next day, her husband was better and soon returned to normal. A substance that can stop a stroke as it’s happening is something many might want in their home medicine chest .(Haley, 2000)

Angina, Heart Attacks, Injuries of the Brain and Spinal Chord

DMSO may help neutralize harmful effects on the heart and brain in medical disorders involving the head and spinal chord injury, stroke, memory dysfunction, and ischemic heart disease (Jacob, de la Torre, 2009). A 40% DMSO solution should be administered within four hours to be effective, within ninety minutes is best.

After I.V. administration of DMSO, there is an elevation in the amount of spinal cord blood flow to the region of trauma. One of the first things that happens after spinal cord trauma is that a reduction of oxygen and blood flow sets in, inasmuch as the blood vessels constrict or shut down… Without some treatment, the tissue swells. Eventually, this leads to paralysis. In a cerebral stroke, the animal will either become comatose or lethargic or die. With DMSO infusion immediately after injury (or stroke) all this is prevented. – Dr. Jack de Ia Torre, professor of physiology and neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico

Dr. Stanley Jacob has even given DMSO intravenously to people who were already paralyzed – paraplegics – and some regained use of limbs. One man, quadraplegic, recovered enough to go through college and then to work in a bank. (Haley, 2000)


When combined with antibiotics, DMSO will convert bacteria which are resistant to a given antibiotic to being sensitive to that same antibiotic and probably a 80 to 90 per cent solution of DMSO will be required in order to be clinically useful ( Pottz, Rampey, Benjamin,1967). DMSO has been used to transport antibiotics to hard-to-reach areas of the body with excellent results, such as the bone marrow and brain (Sanders, 1967).

DMSO can dissolve a virus protein coating, leaving the virus core unprotected with its nucleic acid exposed to the immune system. Applied topically, it alleviates the lesions that occur as a result of Herpes Zoster, shingles (Morton, 1993).
Placed into the nostrils or topically in the face, DMSO can open blocked sinuses within a few minutes and it has been used with sucess in patients with polyps (Marvin, 1967).

DMSO can clear up gum disease and reduce tooth decay and their pain by painting it on the involved areas.

“I have some pharmaceutical grade DMSO and I pour about two teaspoons in a glass in the evening, put my 20 mg of doxycycline in it, add about 2 teaspoons of distilled water, and then swish it around in my mouth for about 2 or 3 minutes and then swallow it. So I guess it is about 50% solution. It’s really working on my mouth. That inflamed area of my jaw has calmed down about 70% in just a couple of days. Or more, actually. I expect it to be completely soothed by tomorrow after tonight’s dose of DMSO.” – Laura, Toulouse, France

Keloids, Scars, Burns, Bruises

A concentration of 50 to 80% put on two or three times a day will flatten a raised scar after several months. It is of considerable value in superficial burns (Goldman, 1967) and when applied quickly to an injury, it can eliminate any bruising.

“I have been applying it to my face for two weeks… I had a bout of acne in March, and this healed the damage pretty well but what amazed me is that my hyperpigmentation (melasma) has also faded very noticeably. In fact, it’s amazing!” – HG, United States

“I diluted a 50% solution and applied it topically to the inflamed lymph node. I applied it again this evening. I am totally amazed! There is a noticeable decrease in the size of the node, in just two applications! And it no longer feels matted. This node has been swollen for over 20 years!!! – Melissa Medlock, Coldwater, Michigan, USA


DMSO can be effective in the treatment of painful corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes, heel spurs, and the inflammation of gouty big toes.

Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Topical DMSO can whiten telangiectasias, small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. It can also decrease the size of varicosities in the legs and the inflammation that goes with it, along with a relief of their cramping discomfort (Marvin, 1967. Blumenthal, Fuchs, 1967).

Eye problems

One drop of a 25% DMSO solution (diluted in sterile physiologic or saline solution) once or twice per day is useful for eye problems, including cataracts or glaucoma.

“DMSO is amazing, I’ve also read various good results with using it in the eyes. Being the adventurous type myself, today I diluted DMSO down to 30% and put 2 drops in one of my eyes that has been having red spots around the iris. The red spots diminished drastically. The only side effect was a slight burning sensation, similar to those drops you get when one goes for a glaucoma test, without the side effect of dilated pupils.” – DZ, United States


DMSO is highly effective in vascular headaches and in muscular tension which so often goes with headaches. It may be used on hairy areas such as the scalp and it also may be used near the eyes. A 90% solution is more effective (Ogden, 1967).

Mental Disorders

DMSO has been useful in the treatment of patients with the following diagnoses: (1) overexcited states (acute schizophrenic reactions, manic phase of the manic-depressive psychoses, alcoholic psychoses, symptomatic psychoses); (2) some symptoms of the chronic psychoses (autism, stereotypia, negativism, abnormal behavior or delusional states) ; (3) severe neuroses (anxiety reactions, obsessives)( Ramírez, Luza, 1967).

McGrady called special attention to an extraordinary paper presented by Dr. Eduardo Ramirez and Dr. Segisfredo Luza of the Ayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. After extensive tests on animals and then on normal humans, Dr. Ramirez reported “injecting 50% or 80% DMSO intramuscularly into patients with acute and chronic schizophrenia” and that “of the 14 acute cases, every single one was discharged from the hospital within 45 days after the start of DMSO treatment… He said that 4 of the 11 chronic cases, one of whom has been ill for 14 years, were discharged eventually, and the other 7 improved a great deal and were given occupational therapy… He observed rapid decrease in agitation… recession of persecution feeling, a relatively sudden tendency to communicate and to stay clean.., the wane of obsessions, return to alertness, and a calmness where there had been restlessness and anxiety”. (Haley, 2000)

Genitourinary disorders

DMSO has been used in the treatment of a number of patients with various genitourinary disorders, including Peyronie’s disease, interstitial cystitis, acute epididymitis. Some have obtained dramatic and gratifying relief of symptoms (Persky, Steeart, 1967).


DMSO in conjunction with other treatments has shown to regress cancer in a very effective way (Ayre, 1967). Intravenous administration of DMSO markedly reduces pathological intestinal permeability while preserving the gut’s absorption capacities (Wang et al, 1996). Considering that gut permeability (‘leaky gut’) has a fundamental role in chronic degenerative diseases, this is of great clinical importance.

DMSO also has excellent results in the skin of people afflicted with scleroderma, results which have never been observed with any other method of therapy (Scherbel et al, 1967).

Mrs. Jean Puccio of Washington, DC testified at hearings of Senator Edward Kennedy’s sub-committee on health in 1980 on her recovery from scleroderma. Diagnosed in 1971, she was told that no medication would help, and that she would probably soon face a wheelchair and early death. By the time she found Dr. Jacob (through word of mouth), she told the Senators, “I was having difficulty breathing, walking, and eating”. The disease “thickens the tissue and makes your skin so tight you cannot move. It was difficult for me to drive, to turn the ignition in my car or turn my body”. Her dentist could not work on her for awhile because she could not open her mouth. “Now I can open my mouth like anybody”, she said. After her sensitized skin burned from topical application of DMSO, Dr. Jacob suggested taking it orally. “Within six months”, she testified, “my condition reversed almost immediately. I can do anything anybody else can do now” (Haley, 2000).

Hopefully, this brief overview of DMSO’s great capabilities has helped to illustrate how it is indeed, the cure of our times. I’m convinced of its therapeutic power, both by my own experience and that one of scores of people, not to mention the back-up of published scientific literature. Its uses and applications make it a very handy compound to have on your medical shelf. In pure form, the life of DMSO is indefinite, so it may be used for years.


Several books have been published on the benefits of DMSO.



The garlic-like body odor and taste in the mouth that some experience is attributable to a specific DMSO metabolite: dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a component of natural onion and garlic flavors (McKim, Strub, 2008). This can last for one or two days and in a small number of people, especially men, the odor can be very pungent. Drinking enough water will help diffuse the smell. Other side effects – such as stomach upset, headaches, dizziness, and sedation – are very likely related to detoxification reactions prompted by the DMSO.

Only purified and properly diluted DMSO should be used. When you dilute a pure DMSO solution, always do it in distilled water. When it is applied, the skin site as well as the applying hand should be thoroughly cleaned before application. This is of utmost importance as DMSO’s properties allow contaminants to be absorbed through the skin and transported into the bloodstream.
DMSO is known to be one of the least toxic substances in biology (Parcell, 2002), so any serious side effects should come from potential contaminants or the intake of concomintant drugs that DMSO will carry into the body. Worth repeating again, DMSO and any substance dissolved in it, will penetrate the skin, the blood-brain barrier, and other parts of the body very fast.

Remember also that DMSO increases the effects of drugs like blood thinners, steroids, heart medicines, sedatives, etc. In addition to that, acetone or acid contamination of DMSO can lead to serious medical consequences. Be aware of this problem when buying unreliable DMSO. A pure DMSO solution will turn solid (like ice) in the refigerator within 2 hours. If, when the frozen bottle is turned upside down, little rivulets of water flow through the ice, you probably possess the veterinary grade DMSO. This is a 90% concentration. Ten percent is distilled water (Morton, 1993).

Women are discouraged from using DMSO during pregnancy or breastfeeding, even though DMSO is used to preserve frozen human embryos. DMSO can interfere with liver function tests and give a false reading. That problem is easily solved by waiting a week after DMSO usage before taking the test.

Long-term use has been documented as safe. Eye damage, reported in laboratory animals, has not been confirmed. Side effects such as skin rash and itching after topical application, breaking up of blood elements after intravenous infusion, can be avoided in large part by employing more dilute solutions. Despite these side effects, DMSO is used as a preservative for blood elements and stem cells (McKim, Strub, 2008).

When DMSO is diluted with water, heat is released. The bottle will be warm to the touch. This is a temporary, harmless reaction.
Since DMSO causes dryness and scaling of the outer layer of the skin, skin diseases characterized by scaling (psoriasis) could be aggravated by the use of DMSO. But DMSO applied topically for only a few days has been useful in psoriasis. Prolonged use of DMSO for the treatment of psoriasis is not advised however, as it can worsen the psoriatic condition (Engel, 1967), only DMSO taken orally is suggested.

“I’m happy to say that taking DMSO in conjunction with implementing the detoxification suggestions that were given is starting to take care of many of my remaining psoriasis problems. A couple areas are still being stubborn, but I’ve noticed a lot of general improvement. Using DMSO topically also helped improve a patch of eczema that my wife has been bothered by for quite a while.” – Peter Norquest, Tucson, Arizona, United States

DMSO2, a derivative of DMSO, is better tolerated and doesn’t have the odor and irritation side effects. Despite this positive aspect, it hasn’t surpassed the effectiveness, fascination and popularity of DMSO. It is also known as methylsufonlmethane or MSM, an entire topic for another article by itself!

Sulfur is an element of the earth and it is essential to life, it as among the most prevalent elemenents in the human body. Allergic reactions to sulfur are not possible because sulfur has no protein component. When people are ‘allergic to sulfur’, what they really mean is that they are allergic or sensitive mainly to certain sulfur-containing drugs or proteins, most notably sulfa antibiotics (sulfonamides) or to sulfites (preservatives used in wines and some foods), or to foods with a high sulfur content (broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions, etc). Many individuals with allergies to sulfa drugs, sulfites, or high sulfur containing foods (like the author) do not experience problems taking DMSO, because apart from sulfur, DMSO bears no relation to these substances.

As always, proceed with caution, do your homework, and consult a health care provider in case of doubts.


Ayre JE, LeGuerrier J. Some (regressive) effects of DMSO dexamethasone upon cervical cells in cervical dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):414-22.
Blumenthal LS, Fuchs M. The clinical use of dimethyl sulfoxide on various headaches, musculoskeletal, and other general medical disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):572-85.
Engel MF. Indications and contraindications for the use of DMSO in clinical dermatology. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):638-45.
Goldman J. A brief resume of clinical observations in the treatment of superficial burns, trigeminal neuralgia, acute bursitis, and acute musculo-skeletal trauma with dimethyl sulfoxide. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):653-4.
Gordon DM. Dimethyl sulfoxide in ophthalmology, with especial reference to possible toxic effects. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):392-401.
Haley Daniel. Politics in Healing. Potomac Valley Press, 2000.
Jacob SW, de la Torre JC. Pharmacology of dimethyl sulfoxide in cardiac and CNS damage. Pharmacol Rep. 2009 Mar-Apr;61(2):225-35.
Marvin P. Interval therapy with Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Volume 141, Biological Actions of Dimethyl Sulfoxide pages 551 – 554.
McKim A.S., Strub Robert. Dimethyl Sulfoxide USP,PhEur in Approved Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices. Pharmaceutical Technology, May 2008.
Ogden HD. Experiences with DMSO in treatment of headache. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):646-8.
Parcell S. Sulfur in human nutrition and applications in medicine. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Feb;7(1):22-44.
Persky L, Steeart BH. The use of dimethyl sulfoxide in the treatment of genitourinary disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):551-4.
Pezalla E. Preventing adverse drug reactions in the general population. Manag Care Interface. 2005 Oct;18(10):49-52.
Pottz GE, Rampey JH, Benjamin F.Ann- The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on antibiotic sensitivity of a group of medically important microorganisms: preliminary report. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):261-72.
Ramírez E, Luza S. Dimethyl sulfoxide in the treatment of mental patients. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):655-67.
Sams WM Jr. The effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on nerve conduction. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):242-7.
Sanders M. Discussion. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Volume 141, Biological Actions of Dimethyl Sulfoxide pages 649 – 652, March 1967.
Scherbel AL, McCormack LJ, Layle JK. Further observations on the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide in patients with generalized scleroderma. (Progressive systemic sclerosis). Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):613-29.
Steinberg A. The employment of dimethyl sulfoxide as an antiinflammatory agent and steroid-transporter in diversified clinical diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1967 Mar 15;141(1):532-50.
Tamblyn R, Berkson L, Dauphinee WD, Gayton D, Grad R, Huang A, Isaac L, McLeod P, Snell L. Unnecessary prescribing of NSAIDs and the management of NSAID-related gastropathy in medical practice. Ann Intern Med. 1997 Sep 15;127(6):429-38.
Walker Morton. DMSO Nature’s Healer. New York: Avery, 1993.
Wang XD, Wang Q, Andersson R, Ihse I. Alterations in intestinal function in acute pancreatitis in an experimental model. Br J Surg. 1996 Nov;83(11):1537-43.

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  1. Eugene Sergio  March 13, 2018

    Wow what an education I would like a copy of this entire section on DMSO

  2. Stefan Aaron  April 21, 2018

    we need way more open-minded and progressive family doctors like you.

  3. Helyn Dunn  May 9, 2018

    Thank you for publishing this. More people need to know about DMSO. I have used it for years to treat cuts, bruises and burns. It truly is miraculous!

  4. Bobbie  May 11, 2018

    Hello, i was told that i emitted an odor of rotten milk. It was so bad, it was all through the house. I tried it twice. I think I took 1/2 tsp once and 1 tsp. the other time ( With water ) i felt great but I have family that I have to consider!! Anyone know why this odor occurs?

    • Berni  June 24, 2018

      I’m not sure I know why the odor occurs for some people and not for others, but I have read that if you use 99% pure medical grade liquid DMSO and put it in the refridgerator it will freeze (it freezes at something like 65 degrees when its pure), then put it on the kitchen counter for a while to come back to room temperature. Many people say this step will stop the odor effect. Also as the article says there are scented DMSO creams that seem to do the trick too.

      • Bobbie  June 24, 2018

        I don’t get the garlic smell from my DMSO liquid, I get another smell. I can’t smell it myself, family say I reek of rotten milk. I’m assuming it’s a detox of some sort.

      • Richard  June 26, 2018

        Will certainly test this with a small amount in refrigerator…
        Wife says I smell “like oysters” or something, even though I use the deodorized pharma version.
        JUST GREAT for romantic moments!

    • TeeRo  June 29, 2018

      I believe it’s just a constituent od the sulphur and the absorption process. Possibly try MSM and you will eliminate that issue.

    • Tony D  July 20, 2018

      Get the “low odor, 99.995% Pharma Grade. I use it orally, topically, and as eye drops with no odor. I have no relationship with this company.

      • Ravynne  March 24, 2019

        What are the dilution ratios you use for eye drops and how many drops and how often do you use it? Thank you.

    • Allan  August 31, 2018

      Please ensure you only use pharmaceutical grade DMSO. Also, keeping it in a cool area just above 75 degrees F will mitigate the garlicky taste/ odor.

  5. frank corner  May 20, 2018

    I have blood clots in my left leg from top to bottom. I have been taking Xarelto for six months with little change. I have lots of DMSO and wonder if it could be safely applied externally to help the removal of the blood clot, without it causing the clot to break up, causing a stroke or worse?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  May 20, 2018

      The blood thinning effects of xarelto should help to dissolve the thrombus and prevent a stroke. There is no guarantee, but topical DMSO cream might help reduce the inflammation in the area.

    • Bobbie  June 24, 2018

      I’ve read that DMSO, pharmaceutical grade, if taking in in small amounts like 1/2 tsp. every 15 minutes in water or juice after a stroke clears symptoms in some people. I’m assuming it would do the same for blood clots if taken internally but I am no doctor. I’ve taken it internally with no trouble but omitting a strange order but felt great.

    • Richard  June 26, 2018

      I think we’d find an increased circulatory effect with DMSO.
      Wife has spider veins, and some other negative age-related conditions on the legs.
      She sprays with 50% DMSO and BINGO, they’re gone in about an hour.
      Reason she doesn’t continue? Smell, and that’s with deodorized DMSO.
      So, ready to try the refrigerated and thawed DMSO.

      • Chirs  June 26, 2018

        See below, Frutose seems to help with the odor, There is another comment about frutose on page 10.

    • Tony D  July 20, 2018

      I had a very large DVT just above my right knee that had my whole leg swollen. I took Xarelto 15mgx2 per day for 21 days, then 20mgx1 per day for 6 months. It took about 3 months to begin to see improvement. Xarelto, as I recall, is not a true “blood thinner”, it prevents the clot from increasing to allow the body to naturally dissolve the clot.

      After I started the Xarelto, I also began taking large doses of Block Buster All Clear, a product containing Nattokinase and Serrapeptase which actually help dissolve clots and thin the blood by reducing fibrin. As my swelling decreased I reduced my N/S usage. Because I am sedentary, I take N/S daily.

      Here is a link to a less expensive source.

  6. Robert  June 6, 2018

    I have been using DMSO in an enema for rectal scarring and strictures for a couple of weeks now. I started with a 20% DMSO solution but now I’m up to 40%. I mix it with aloe vera to dilute it.

    But now I am reading online that you should never use it rectally because “fecal toxins” will be carried into the blood stream.

    Is this true?

    I do sometimes wake up the next day feeling hung over or something, but that could just as easily be systemic effects of the DMSO, including detox. But I don’t know for sure. Thoughts on this?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  June 6, 2018

      If the argument is based soley on local bacteria, then we have to keep in mind that the mouth might be slightly worse than the rectum in terms of local bacteria. And people have used DMSO for all kinds of dental problems for years.

    • Bobbie  June 6, 2018

      I wouldn’t use it that way. My best experience with dmso is 1/2 tsp with distilled water by mouth. I have a chronic ear condition which started as a swimmer’s ear infection. I’m certain it’s fungal. I thought it would be smart to apply dmso with tea tree oil in the ear canal to kill the infection. What it did was draw the fungus deep into the tissue layers of the ear canal, my ear swelled so much inside that I couldn’t fit a q tip in at the opening. I went to a walk in clinic and got antibiotic ear drops which helped bring the swelling down but this “psoriasis” continues for 9 years now. I will never attempt to use it topically on an infection. I will heal from the inside out if I do it again. dmso made me emit a horrible “rotten milk” odor. I couldn’t smell it, but my family said the whole house smelled of it. I haven’t tried it again although I felt great while on it ( twice). Good luck.

      • Richard  June 6, 2018

        Colloidal silver (self made) has proven to be an astonishing EXTERNAL agent in my personal experience….
        No downside, no side-effects, no problems with pathogenic acclimation or resistance..
        Penetrates well. NOW, if it would only work internally….
        You could use it for your ear, and if you REALLY want results, buy and use a SOTA or similar device.
        I have a root-canal on a molar tooth (heart killer) and I use the SOTA on it when it acts-up. Perfect solution.
        Also for my cats, as-well-as the DMSO.

        I know what you mean about the DMSO odor.
        We have the deodorized type and my wife’s comments about it are “nasty raw oyster” smell, etc.
        Makes getting better difficult!

  7. Chris  June 13, 2018

    Hi Everyone, I believe on page 10 of the comments a gentleman talks of use fructose to help with the odor issue. Mentions that it made him smell like fruit when he ate strawberries when orally ingesting DMSO. I have found that The V8 drink Purlpe Power works for the odor. 1/2 tsp. In 4 ozs, swirl it around and drink it down. I don’t tell my girlfriend when I am using it but if I put it on a scratch she will know, if I do it with PP she won’t. May not work for everyone. Warning PP tastes like beets. That is all so using the odorless, which isn’t but is better then what they have at the feed store which still works.

  8. Ronald Charles Hubler  July 15, 2018

    Was wondering if this would help with pancreatitis?????????

    • Bobbie  July 16, 2018

      If it’s related to inflammation, i would say yes. Try to take when alone because some give off a smell. My house smelled of rotton milk. About 2 days they said. I took 1 tsp in water the 1st time and after complaints of odor, i tried 1/2 tsp. Same complaints. I felt great though. I dropped to 1/8 tsp. to see if anyone detected and only one did. But didn’t feel any good effects. Good luck

  9. Ron  July 16, 2018

    Will DMSO eliminate toenail fungus, if not what will eliminate toenail fungus??

    • Tracy Rogers  July 16, 2018

      Ron, I’ve read that it does, I’m embarking on that journey myself. Google “toenail fungus acv” and do some reading. Twice daily acv soaks followed by topical application of DMSO seem to work, from what several authors say. Logically I would think that internal supplementation also would be helpful. Mes community treats it same way, ointment and pills, inside and out.

    • Brett Donovan  July 29, 2018

      My own experience of this was after a visit to the Podiatrist to have the outer matrix sanded I painted my nails with DMSO and followed up 20 mins later with Clove oil (undiluted).morning and night.
      4 weeks later all gone.

  10. Tracy Rogers  July 22, 2018

    That comment that just came online today feom “Bobbie” stating to Connie that she took DE for a week and suffered bone loss so her advice was to be careful about essential oils. Now really, bone loss in a week? I was born at night but it wasn’t last night or anywhere close to it. Takes more than a week for Dr to get bone density test scheduled. Am I missing something here?

    • Bobbie  July 22, 2018

      I never said to be careful about essential oils. I never had a problem with them. I wrote my experience with DE to warn people that it can throw minerals out of balance and cause bone loss. I guess people like “Tracy” think that only their experiences are worth writing about.

      • Tracy Rogers  July 23, 2018

        Apparently “Bobbie” needs a vision test since i never reported any experience of my own. My point was the somewhat far-fetched statement that DE caused bone loss in a week. Like I said, “am I missing something here?” Monsanto and Dupont crappola won’t cause bone loss in a week, might kill you pretty damn quick in a concentrated enough proportion, but whatever.

  11. Michelle  July 28, 2018

    I notice some dmso products are in plastic containers. Is it ok to use this? I thought the dmso would absorb what is in the plastic and pull it into the body when applied to the skin. Should we only use it from a glass bottle ?

    • TeeRo  July 28, 2018

      Glass would be the absolutely Right thing to do. Yes, DMSO is a solvent and as such Will leach contaminants from it’s respective container and transport them into your bloodstream. That is my understanding of the product and the research, and everyone that knows and distribitutes the product has advised me to stay away from plastic bottles. There’s always the possibility I could be wrong so if anyone on here knows any different please speak up. Enquiring minds want to know. :D

    • Tracy Rogers  July 28, 2018

      Glass would absolutely be the best, from what I’ve been told, and apparently you’ve heard exactly what I have about DMSO leaching contaminants from the plastic and transporting them into the blood supply. With something as critical as this I would definitely say err on the side of caution.

  12. TeeRo  July 28, 2018

    Glass would be the absolutely Right thing to do. Yes, DMSO is a solvent and as such Will leach contaminants from it’s respective container and transport them into your bloodstream. That is my understanding of the product and the research, and everyone that knows and distribitutes the product has advised me to stay away from plastic bottles. There’s always the possibility I could be wrong so if anyone on here knows any different please speak up. Enquiring minds want to know. :D

  13. Fernando  September 8, 2018

    Dear, I bought the DMSO 99%, but I made a mistake; as I have for 6 months a trigger finger, disturbing myself, I decided to do on Sep. 2, some drops (about 6-8) divided on the space of 3 or 4 hours, over the affected joint, on both sides of hand, and the drops was over layer of castor oil and turmeric, and I used a socks to protect the bed, as I was resting. On that night, when I removed the socks that I felt little burning, I saw blister on that area, around 1” diameter, wrinkled skin. I clean everything and applied aloe vera, calendula oil, st. john’s wort extract and golden seal powder over that. Next day I changed for Herbal Savvy, a cream with safflower oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax, golden seal root, myrrh gum, Vit. E, A&D.
    I would like to send a picture. Some questions: as I don’t feel pain, only by trigger finger, do you thing that palm skin can regenerate, because it’s wrinkled. What happened if has water inside? I’m dropping a blend of free-form amino acids with B6 and enzymes. Vitamin C, complex B, Collagen I,II,III, V and X.
    Do you think is good to drink 1 or 3 drops of DMSO diluted in 1/2 glass of water? Or more?

    • Chris  September 8, 2018

      I have put DMSO on a lot of places on my skin and have never had an experience sush as what you describe. I would puncture the blister and drain any liquid, wrap it up as to not loose th skin and wait and see. I have also placed a tsp. Of DMSO in to V-8s Purple Power beet drink, 4 oz, and drank it down. No ill effects and no odor as the fructose in the beet drink seems to take care of it.

    • Berni  September 8, 2018

      I think maybe your DMSO was not diluted enough. I put 50% or 70% on skin and nothing more than that. I’ve read … elsewhere probably … maybe in the DMSO book I have .. about people putting higher strength on skin and having that puckering. But if I recall correctly in a couple of weeks the skin sheds off and it should be fine underneath.

  14. Michelle  September 8, 2018

    When I dab a very little bit of dmso on my skin , I feel faint and for some reason get a burning sensation in my eyes. The strange thing is that I do not put the dmso anywhere near my eyes at all. I can just touch the dmso with my finger and the sensation in the eyes just happens along with feeling faint and I sometimes get a slight headache. Are these sensations normal? Has anyone else had this happen to them? Just curious as to what would cause these physical reactions. I would appreciate any thoughts or advice. Thank you so much. Michelle

  15. joy  September 8, 2018

    For myself, I believe I had something with chemicals on my skin somewhere, like make up. I used it diluted and noticed my eyes began to dry and never experienced that prior. Someone commented somewhere in this thread that if you have anything on your skin anywhere it will enhance the absorption. They suggested waiting a couple of hours after being completely clean to use it. Otherwise it will increase the absorption of anything as well as the chemical affects. Not sure if that is your situation, but just in case.

    • Michelle Shanley  September 10, 2018

      Thank you so much for responding. The thing is , when I used a dab of the dmso, my skin was clean and dry. I did not have any other chemical on my skin. I am not sure why dmso makes me feel faint . The sensation I get in my eyes when I dab it on my skin is also odd. As I mentioned, I don’t even put it near my eyes. I could put it on my skin on my arm or abdomen but feel a sensation in the eyes? If any else has any idea why this could be happening , I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on the matter. Thank you so much. Michelle

  16. chris  September 10, 2018

    Does anybody recommend any particular brand of DMSO. I came across this company who sells in glass and says its pharma grade but how do you really know?

    • Mark Butler  September 10, 2018

      I buy the cheap one on Amazon that is made by Valhoma Corp. in Tulsa Oklahoma. They show their product as being 99.7% pure. The freeze test in the refrigerator shows it is very pure. Only problem is it comes in plastic. My understanding of pharmaceutical grade means there is documentation by a testing authority to verify the manufacturers claims.

    • Tracy Rogers  September 10, 2018

      If it freezes in the fridge it’s good stuff. If when you apply it topically you get a warming sensation on the applied area and a funky taste in your mouth, it’s good ! That’s the guidelines I go by, hope it helps. Good luck !

  17. Dwain Hebert  January 8, 2019

    I am 68 years old as of 1/24/19. I have used DMSO for over 30 years and can’t say enough GREAT things about it. I began using it as suggested by a “little old lady” neighbor of ours while I was standing in line at the pharmacy with my right arm in a sling. She suggested I come to her house and try something she had gotten from our local veterinarian to use on her arthritis. Back then it was hush hush and could only purchase it through a vet or at a hardware store as a solvent. The vet grade was much better to use than the hardware grade…lol!
    I reluctantly followed her to her house where she redistributed about one ounce of a clear liquid (DMSO) from a pint container to a one ounce container. She instructed me on how to use it and I went home and followed her instructions. I had tendinitis of the elbow (Tennis Elbow). I had received physical therapy, anti inflammatory and pain medication prior to using the DMSO. Nothing but the DMSO had any positive effect. In less than one week, I was out of the sling and back to normal activities.
    My two boys were very active in sports. One won all State in high school football and nationals in power lifting. The other won all district in high school football and held the state high school power lifting, squat record for two consecutive years. Needless to say they had a large number of injuries over the years. They are both in their late thirty’s now and still bring up “Don’t tell daddy it hurts! He will just put DMSO on it”.
    I have 5 partially crushed vertebra, arthritis through out my spine, bleeding hominoids, constant neck and hip pain. I use DMSO to releave the pain and also heal may other things on myself, wife, dogs, cats and anyone else that will allow me too administer it to them. I used it orally and had great success with it. I really began feeling an overall health benefit from ingesting it twice a day. To my great disappointment, my co-workers recommended I stop using it because of the strong garlic odor I was producing. I still give it to our pets orally to help with their ailments. After reading this article, I will begin today using it to help the glaucoma on one dog and cataracts on the other.

    • Chris  January 8, 2019

      Hi Dwain,
      I have used DMSO off and on when a bug or ache required it. I have found the odor free on EBay for $40 but it ain’t quit odor free. What helps me with odor is putting my dosage into a 4-8 oz of apple juice. Use the straight apple juice with out the added vitamin C. I use a teaspoon at a time and usually once a day.. I’m wondering what you use for a twice daily dosage?

  18. Katy  January 22, 2019

    I have Ciac disease with constant bloating and pain. I am on an anti inflammatory diet. I also have a chiari malformation and migraines. I purchased dmso 99.9% in a liquid dropper and a cream. What is the best way to treat these? Do I ingest the liquid for celiac?

  19. Rick  February 1, 2019

    For high eye pressure, can you dilute with colloidal silver instead of saline? What percent. Thanks.

  20. Joey  March 3, 2019

    I’ve been using DMSO for 3 days now, 99.9% concentration, along with colloidal silver and aloe vera, I am treating a form of IBD that has dilated and bloated up intestines, almost twice as big, while the small lumen of the intestine is narrower, and yesterday I used DMSO topically on my intestines along with aloe vera, half a spoon over the whole area of abdomen, and it seems like it has relaxed muscles of that area so much that I feel tired and can barely eat anything or drink anything. Does anyone know how long it takes for the effects of DMSO on the body to wear off?

  21. Wendy H  March 13, 2019

    Can’t seem to get any sort of an answer on the web to this. I want to “reset” my system entirely. I have recurrent yeast infections, and HSV 1 – I would like to take orally, but am unsure of the dosage/length of time/brand/% that would be safe to do. I have the 99.99% Pharmaceutical grade, High purity, from Heiltropfen. I have heard that if taken orally, it can eradicate the HSV 1 from your body entirely.

    • Richy  March 25, 2019

      Wendy, i’m no expert, but maybe some of-what I’ve learned will help.
      DMSO is weakest when used full-strength.
      We use it 33%, 50% and 70% mixed with RO or purified water..
      One TEASPOON per day is about all we would consider, and that’s at 50%.
      Sounds as-if a fast would do some good, as we have overwhelmed our immune systems from time-to-time.
      Learn about intermittent fasting from Youtube or other sources.
      Even the purest DMSO will make the body smelly, so be aware of that.
      Best To You

      • Chris  June 20, 2019

        I have seen posted that one fellow mixed pectin in with fruit juice helped with the smelly part. Said it made him smell like fruit.

  22. Jeniffier Provalenko  June 16, 2019

    Thanks you for all the helpful information. I was diagnosed with oral lichen planus and was wondering if I could use DMSO and colloidal silver as a mouth wash? Has anyone tried this? How would you recommend treating the lichen planus with DSMO since it is an oral infection?

  23. Sue Davis  June 19, 2019

    Does anyone know if DMSO has had any success with reversing long term damage done by the polio viruses?

  24. Sue Davis  June 19, 2019

    Hi Dr. Segura, I have an elderly friend who may be in the last stages of is life. Polio has paralyzed half his diaphragm, all down one side really. and he has panic attacks and a lot of anxiety. He is almost blind. and is now having trouble breathing and getting enough oxygen to his brain. Is it too late or can the DMSO help improve and extend his life?? Please help.

  25. Richy  June 20, 2019

    Blessings On You, Dr. Segura.
    I used-to megadose to bowel tolerance with oral ascorbic acid in my younger years. Whenever I would feel emotional, physical or other types of stress….It worked extremely-well until I developed diabetes a few years ago, and got older. Now it seems I can only tolerate a few grams over a day or-so. It still greatly aids my health problems.
    I surely do miss the megadose greatly, and it’s really cheap also!
    I have an elderly father-in-law in a very distraught condition that I have recommended this vitamin C IV treatment to. But his Drs. won’t have it, so he suffers-on…
    Best To You


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