Heal Thyself with Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C

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“In fact even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than scurvy itself. When such a condition is not detected, and continues uncorrected, the teeth and bones will be damaged, and what may be even more serious, the blood stream is weakened to the point where it can no longer resist or fight infections not so easily cured as scurvy.” –Food and Life Yearbook 1939, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Vitamin C has been a long-time favorite supplement for many and for very good reasons. It is the one thing that has made the whole difference for detox purposes, but it has also saved the lives of many around the world. It has regained popularity recently as a DNA protector from free radical damage in workers with severe radiation exposure at the Fukushima nuclear plant, where workers had no significant change in both free DNA and overall cancer risk when supplemented with vitamin C.

Vitamin C also helps manufacture collagen, vital for the health of all our tissues and the repair of blood vessels, teeth, joints and bones. It also helps to normalize blood pressure, heal degenerative diseases and prevent premature aging. It is vital so our immune system can fight viruses, bacteria and other microbes. Vitamin C is also important in the synthesis of brain chemicals such as our happy mood neurotransmitter – serotonin.

Megadose Vitamin C


Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling and Dr. Irwin Stone have helped pioneer the concept of orthomolecular medicine which uses megadose vitamin therapy – vitamin C in doses higher than those required for normal cellular functions. When taken in very high doses (10 or 100 grams or more per day, depending upon the person’s requirements and illness) vitamin C fights off serious illness. For instance, when the body is challenged by cancer, colds, toxicity or diseases, we are overwhelmed with free radical production. This is when our requirements of vitamin C increases. Read about Vitamin C’s Historical and Miraculous Record.

Mainstream medicine remains in the dark when it comes to knowledge about vitamin C despite the miraculous effects it has had on people whose prognosis was fatal. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is something you want to have in your medical cabinet, as it can save your life as it had done so for so  many people around the world. Vitamin C is also the best thing so far for adrenal support during very stressful times and/or when we feel extremely fatigued.

As a powerful water-soluble anti-oxidant that we are not capable to synthesize within our bodies, you might want to take 1 heaping teaspoon (4 grams) per day, when you first start detoxifying. During stressful times (either emotional or from illness) more doses are required, especially when you are eating a diet rich in carbs.

As it happens, vitamin C and sugar use the same port entry to access our cells and when there is little to no sugar to compete, a higher percentage of vitamin C gets into the cells making our requirements shrink. This is why our need for vitamin C goes down to the point where most people had to minimize or even eliminate it in a ketogenic diet – a diet based on animal foods and fats. And since most animals make their own vitamin C, it is possible to get enough vitamin C in a ketogenic diet without any plant foods by eating the proper parts of the animal: organs.

Keep in mind that vitamin C dosage should be built up gradually, and the same is also true for lowering the dose of vitamin C, in order for our bodies to adjust to the change. Going slowly also prevents Herxheimer reactions which come when you first start detoxifying. A Herxheimer reaction is an excretion of toxins from dying microbes (i.e. yeast overgrowth), sometimes called a ‘die off’ reaction.

Some say that pregnant women should not exceed 5 grams of vitamin C a day, although early pioneers on vitamin C have used very large doses for the benefit of both the mother and the baby. Large doses can cause diarrhea since excess vitamin C than your body requires doesn’t get absorbed. In time of illness, you can gradually increase vitamin C by 2 to 4 grams each hour until your tummy starts to gargle or you have a loose stool. This is what is known as titrating doses of vitamin C.

The most inexpensive vitamin C is ascorbic acid which you can get in bulk size, although other high quality forms and alkaline and better absorbed versions are available such as sodium ascorbate. If ascorbic acid gives you acidity, mix with some stevia, xylitol or a little bit of sodium bicarbonate to take the bite off.

For those concerned that vitamin C will increase their blood sugar levels, well, it seems that it doesn’t, even at doses of 2 grams every 3 hours.

Unfortunately, with so many medical regulations and drug protocols, vitamin C’s healing effects has remained in the back stage in a system ruled by Big Pharma. Despite this, it continues to help many around the world and it is starting to regain increasing popularity in conditions where no drug has made such a difference as vitamin C does.

Nowadays there are options that can substitute the intravenous (IV) vitamin C therapy in megadoses in the form of liposomal vitamin C which can be taken orally and made at home. If you are interested in getting the benefits of IV vitamin C in megadoses from the comfort of your home, don’t miss this relevant information!

Liposomal Vitamin C


A liposome is like a bag that carries a substance into your body and its cells. It is incredibly effective at this task since it is made out of fat. As it happens, it is the same type of fat that make up cell membranes, making the job of crossing this barrier much easier. Plus, liposomes are super tiny and in that way, they can go through every teensy crack of our cell barriers.

In order to achieve an effective megadose vitamin C dose – for instance, to kill cancer cells – you need to achieve a vitamin C blood level of around 250-350 mg/dl. An average person will typically have around 1 mg/dl on a fairly decent diet. After a 25 to 50 grams IV vitamin C therapy delivered in about a 90-minute period, the blood level is in the 200 to 300 mg/dl range.

Reports say that 6 g of oral liposomally-carried vitamin C is equal in delivering vitamin C inside cells, where it does its work, to 50 grams of intravenous vitamin C.

To make Liposomal Vitamin C, you need an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner like the one in the image. Just type on amazon.com or other store of your convenience and see which size is the most practical one for you.

Then you’ll need sunflower lecithin or non-GMO hexane free soy lecithin, and the vitamin C, preferably as sodium ascorbate.

3 level tablespoons of lecithin.
1 level tablespoon of sodium ascorbate.
Dissolve the lecithin in 1 cup (240cc) of warm or cold water, preferably distilled. Let it soak for a couple of hours or so. It doesn’t have to clump, so using warm water is preferable (not hot!).

Dissolve the sodium ascorbate in 1/2 cup warm water, preferably distilled.

Pour both solutions together into the ultrasonic cleaner and mix for around 20 to 25 minutes.

A loading dose, for several months, of liposomal vitamin C is likely 2,000 mg three times a day, maintenance , 1,000 mg twice daily, increasing doses and amounts when needed.

This recipe provides 12 grams (12000 mg) of Vitamin C Ascorbate at about 70% – 90% liposomal encapsulation efficiency. It will keep at room temperature for about 3 to 4 days and refrigerated, it will keep much longer.

Recall that 6 grams of this stuff is the equivalent of 50 grams IV vitamin C. So you can take half the solution throughout the day for a day or two in case of illness. Wean off gradually throughout the days though, so no artificial drastic lack is perceived by the body.

I’ve used 3 tablespoons of sodium ascorbate with good absorption results as well. Three tablespoons instead of one tablespoon as indicated in the above recipe will yield around 16 grams of vitamin C per cup. The absorption of the liposomal variety is about 5 times the absorption of vitamin C straight, so that is approximately 80 effective grams (IV therapy).  That is a very high dose indeed! You will have to take that one cup throughout the day though, I doubt you’ll tolerate drinking in one seat without having diarrhea.

A note of caution


Those with iron overload (ask your physician to test for ferritin, transferrin, TIBC and iron) should keep in mind that vitamin C increases the absorption of iron into the body, especially in the heart where it can cause heart failure, palpitations and others. Ferritin levels should be ideally less than 80 and transferrin saturation should be less than 40%. If you are above those levels, you might want to donate some blood or refer to the Iron Disorders Institute. A great book on the subject is The Elephant Iron by Roberta Crawford.

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  1. David  April 1, 2014

    I will restart making liposomal vitamin C and gluta thione…right now doing a URINE fast…Now im one of those special indigo children that are very sensitive and require top of the line ingredients that are compatible with my vehicle…soy and sunflower are a NONO…egg yolk lechithin…is soo darn expensive…and am not able to find it in reasonable quantities in the US…Unless anyone knows where i can find PURE pasture raised egg yolk lecithin !!! that would be amiraculous!!! thanks so much in advance. 1 Love…ALso…i am dealing with so many dis-eases in the body right now due to lots of mucoid plaque in my intestines!!! any real effective advice on that? Or ideas…like currents…frequencies that can really just dislodge this bio film. THanks

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 1, 2014

      Healthy dietary habits should help with that (i.e.paleo diet). Good luck with your detox!

    • Sere  May 24, 2014

      Hi David, Try raw coconut oil up to 3 tbs a day for your intestinal problem.
      I take 1 tbs whizzed into a hot drink.
      If you find any non soy non sunflower lecithin let me know please.
      Good health to you.

      • Linda Frock  June 4, 2014

        We’re using this and its wonderful. Order the Granules – they dissolve easily in water and this product is Organic!
        Best of luck to you.

    • Pam Jacobs  May 25, 2014

      David i have some cleanses that will help you email me pjaco@cox.net

    • mhikl  September 1, 2014

      David, Ms Segura’s suggestion on Palleo diet is v good. Also, I would suggest you check on making your own unpasteurised Sauerkraut. I let mine ferment until there is little natural sweetness but do find your preference taste level. Then it is refrigerated, never sterilise by boiling.
      I add natural bacterial probiotics such as a few TBS of clear yoghourt whey, Kombucha and Kefir nectar. I also add the contents of one of my expensive probiotic capsules but do not know if they become active or not. A few TBS of the nectar from your previous batch might also be added to the new.
      Within three days of my using my kraut I could not believe the changes in my movements and sense of wellness. It took about a month to be totally in tune. (I’m trying to be delicate :) I consume about a quarter cup or more with each meal. It is also a great hunger snack. I also make (feed) mine with everything from the families, vegetable, fruit, berry, fresh herbs, chia & flax seed, whole spices (1 tsp per 4L/1 gallon quantity). (Raw Silver Smelt fish will be tried in my next batch.)
      Paleo, structured water and Sauerkraut’s natural probiotics seem to be what have finally turned my health and sense of wellness around.
      Noon time sun is my latest adventure vs so called safer later sun time: see Mercola http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/09/04/when-should-you-go-out-in-the-sun.aspx (which has to be worked up to in short times of minutes if begun in the summer time).
      Namaste and care,
      PS: Thanks for the mention of Indigo Child. I am now researching the topic. Most interesting. Our world as part of our ever-being, caring universe is on the brink of great changes.

    • Nadine  September 25, 2014


      Check out the book, “Cleanse and Heal Thyself” by Dr. Rich Anderson. His book and Arise ‘n Shine cleanse is ALL ABOUT dissolving and eliminating mucoid plaque. He is a long-time expert in the field. Wishing you vibrant health!

      • Nadine  September 25, 2014

        Oooops- correct title is: “Cleanse and Purify Thyself”

    • Barbara  October 2, 2014

      Ever tested on lyme disease? http://www.lyme-paradigm.com/lyme/about-lyme/

    • alan  October 24, 2014

      try coffee enemas for your plaque is amazing¡¡¡¡¡

  2. Jack  April 8, 2014

    Serrapeptase should eliminate the mucoid plaque you have in your intestines. It’s a systemic enzyme produced by bacteria in the gut of the silkworm. The silkworm uses it to dissolve the coccoon when it needs to escape as a moth. Serrapeptase dissolves biofilms of all kinds with virtually no side effects. You have to take it on an empty stomach so it doesn’t get destroyed by stomach acid, but I use it and it REALLY thins out the mucous in my sinuses.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 8, 2014

      I agree! :) I’ve used serrapeptase before, it is an amazing supplement.

      • david  April 8, 2014

        im doing serrapeptase/nattokinase N-A-C…triphala Sante complex (rice bran) without the fiber…psyllium seed…doing a bowel cleanse…I just feel theres much more all of this…also doing ZEO lite…since bio film = metals. Perhaps alkalizing the body so it lets go…theres so much more then just taking an enzyme i feel.body is super complex mechanism

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 8, 2014

        Have you heard about “the Fiber Menace”? More info here: http://www.gutsense.org/fibermenace/fm_transcript.html

        You might want to check “Primal Body, Primal Mind” by Nora Gedgaudas too. It has a section on healing the gut. Other than NAC, there is colostrum, glutamine, and other supplements to heal the gut

      • david  April 8, 2014

        yupyup, im looking into the primal diet right now by Aajonus…eating everything raw…this is pretty darn incredible how miraculous it is….feeding it to babies in a liquid form…WOW. Cant have colostrum, super sensitive…allergy to casein. Glutamine = creates ammonia from parasites…its quite complex. Ill re check out the fiber menace.

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 8, 2014

        Lots of raw stuff might related to the mucus. You’ll get a better idea by checking the fiber menace. As in regards to diet, he is not uptodate, but at least the concepts are very informative. Cheers!

  3. Kathy  April 14, 2014

    Hi Doctor Segura,

    I’m making up liposomal vitamin c and the liquid comes in contact with metal (my unit is like the one shown on your site.) Can metal leech into the liquid and should I get a unit with plastic containers/inserts instead?

    Also, will liposomal vitamin c help with atrial fibrilation? Or is there any supplement that may benefit this condition? My mother’s heart’s injection rate is presently 44%, is there any way to increase this without using pharmaceutical drugs?

    Thank you for your help,


    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 14, 2014

      Metal is okay Kathy. Eliminating stimulants such as MSG, coffee, and other inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, etc.) is a priority. I don’t know to what extent you are both familiarized with that topic, but you can check out Mark Sisson’s Primal Blue Print, Nora Gedgauda’s Primal Body, Primal Mind to find out more. As for supplements, magnesium taurate and potassium citrate (following label instructions) are very good if there is no kidney failure issues. In addition to those, there is omega 3s and CoQ10 which helps quite a lot. Hope this helps.

    • Richard  April 14, 2014

      Putting your Lipo C into a metal ultrasonic tank is not okay. Labs put glass beakers inside their sonicators. Even stainless steel can be poisonous. They’ve stopped using it in knee implants for that reason. Research what happens to the stainless steel tank of an ultrasonic cleaner over time. The high energy sound waves actually etch the metal. Heavily used tanks wear out and get holes in them.

      Use a glass jar or beaker in your cleaner’s basket. Be safe. Besides, glass is much easier to clean.


      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 14, 2014

        Thanks Richard for the excellent advice. If folks can’t get a hold of the proper materials or ultrasonic cleaners (in some countries what is available is what is available), it is okay to use a metal one for a homemade version. It is not a pro formula and in view of the amazing results people have had, I hope people would keep on experimenting despite limited resources.

      • Scotty  May 27, 2014

        Please could you just clarify this point –

        Is it possible to place a glass beaker in the mixing tray and it will still work?

        Or do you mean purchase an ultrasonic cleaner that has a glass resovouir?


    • Mark Symons  August 14, 2014

      I had atrial fibrillation a lot. In hindsight I think it was caused by statins because I got it 18 months after I had 3 stents. I have stopped all the pharmaceutical drugs now. I take magnesium which helped a lot (about 80% less attacks). Then I heard about olive leaf extract. Now it’s pretty well gone (small attacks occasionally). I also take fish oil but that did not stop it. It is getting less with time, so its not an instant cure but it did start to work in the first month noticably. I have been taking the olive leaf extract now for about 4 months.

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  August 16, 2014

        Bear in mind that heart disease is for the most part a modern malady. The root of its cause has to be addressed: a low fat diet (yes, you read that right), environmental toxicity and poor emotional health to name but the most important ones. Fat is the key for optimal health and a good starter for those who are struggling with atrial fibrillation.

  4. Chris  April 16, 2014

    Although not directly on topic, I’m trying to get word out about a new process to make significantly higher potency liposomal vitamin C. I’m selling nothing (there are not even ads on the site), I simply want to help people make better liposomal vitamin C.

    Here is the link: http://qualityliposomalc.com



    • Richard  April 18, 2014

      Thanks so much for your efforts. Great web site. Great recipe. Makes so much more sense than the others. I’ve been working towards some of you ideas, but you did so much more!

      Saturation, heat, alcohol, sequence. Great work!

      I’ll be trying it out shortly.

      Thank you.

      • Chris  April 19, 2014

        Hi Richard,

        I’m glad you liked the information. It took a lot of work to get it all together.

        When you do try it out, can you let me know how it worked? I’m interested in how different ingredient sources affect the end product. My plan is to add another web page to describe peoples ingredient sources and outcomes.



    • Marcella Smith  August 31, 2014

      Hello Chris, thank you for the website, the first time I made LipoVitC I didn’t realize how hot the mix gets!! Thank you for the refrig advice!! Also, I didn’t know you couldn’t just pour it in the ultrasonic machine as most the Youtube demos show that you are to do that. In the little machines I’m not sure how much you can do at a time in the basket so I ordered a bigger machine, but I have a couple quick questions,
      1 – is Everclear alcohol a good alcohol percentage for the mix?
      2 – Also, I wondered about since it is in the mix, won’t you also be encapsulating the alcohol to be delivered to your cells?
      3 – And last question, why cant I use my nonGMO organic sunflower LIQUID lecithin?

      Thank you Chris,

      PS- please include a FAQ on your page or an email we can contact you for more questions :)

      • Marcella Smith  August 31, 2014

        Just an addition,
        to manufacture Lecithin granules, it seems some take a combination of the liquid Lecithin and then add gum acacia, or gum arabic, to help form the granules. Ciranda Lecithin Liquid is obtained by pressure extraction of sunflower seeds to produce raw oil, they did not say how they make the powder from it. LiveStrong said that granules are actually the Lecithin powder with oil added to help them granulate. Since liquid Lecithin is the actual pure Lecithin (one reason it is more expensive) wouldn’t it be better to use the liquid Lecithin instead of the further processed powders or granules that need reconstitution back to liquid form?
        Of course adding as long as it was removed from the sunflower kernels from mechanical means not with chemicals, and is nonGMO plus organic.

  5. Sue  April 21, 2014

    Hi Chris. love your website. wonder if i could ask a question: what should the texture be of the final product? is it slimy like in the youtube instruction videos?

    I am so frustrated with the recipes I have been trying (not yours yet)..spent a lot of money on the ingredients and ultrasonic cleaner, but my mixture will not thicken or change consistency at all. I have added more lecithin, blended more, sonicated longer, everything.

    I am using Swanson Sunflower Lecithin and NutriBiotic sodium ascorbate.

    I am very frustrated :(

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 21, 2014

      Sue,you might be doing everything correctly. Some have reported a thinner consistency with the sunflower lecithin. If you click on “older comments”, you’ll find some discussions about it by searching for “sunflower”. I’ll copy paste some here:

      was wondering if you could comment on the texture of the homemade liposomal Vit C.

      I have been taking Livon Labs Lypo-Spheric vitamin C for several years (on an as needed basis).
      Due to the cost and availability of the Livon Labs C, I have decided to make my own and have done a lot of research on the web. The stuff I buy is thick and slimy and wont dissolve. I haven’t been able to duplicate it with the recipes on the web (all seem to be similar). There is one you tube that appears to have the right consistency and the individual says that the C wont be effective unless its at the slimy consistency. I agree. What are your thoughts about this?

      Thanks, Bri

      Richard says:
      Sunday, 23 February 2014 12:39 at 12:39
      Following the Brooks Bradley recipe, my mix looks like light brown milk. About the same thickness as milk. I use Swanson’s Sunflower Lecithin powder and their Sodium Ascorbate powder. The Ascorbate dissolves almost immediately without much help. The Lecithin dissolves in about 20 seconds using a cheap stick-blender. No long soaking necessary.

      The mix does not get thicker as you sonicate it, as some suggest. It seems to get a little thinner, which seems logical. The Liposomes make themselves. Their a natural formation given the right conditions. Sonicating breaks them up and causes them to reform into smaller Liposomes, which is the intent. The Liposomes are too small to see, but you can see the effect as the liquid rolls off the stirrer. It slowly gets slightly smoother and thinner.

      Bradley’s recipe, as he says, is meant to be forgiving. He suggests adjusting amounts for desired results.

      Hope it helps!

    • qualityliposomalc  April 21, 2014

      Hi Sue,

      I really disliked that slimy texture as well!

      If you blend it over the course of 12 to 24 hours (as on my site) it won’t be slimy. This extended blending and refrigeration time gets rid of the slimy ‘snotty’ texture. When you’re done and it’s chilled in your fridge it will be the consistency of cream (but _definitely_ not the taste!).

      The ultrasonic machine should not affect the texture. It will only affect it if you haven’t blended and let it sit long enough. If this is the case the change in texture comes from the fact that the lecithin absorbs more water, not from the ultrasonic machine itself.

      What kind of ultrasound machine do you have?

      Dr. Gabriela Segura (the other reply) is probably correct that the sunflower lecithin also has a different set of properties.

      As well, keep in mind that the LivOn product (which is thicker) has xanthan gum added which is a thickener. For my recipe you actually want to have it nicely liquid at 32C so that the sonication process works better and the bubbles that are added by the blending can be removed.

      Let me know if this helps!


      • Pixie  June 9, 2014

        I am a tee-totaler, Chris, but I like the extra volume of C crystals and lecithin you use in your “recipe.” Can I do this with just the water?

        What would the measurements be to get approximately 1000 mg. of a dose? I am not a scientist – I’m a homemaker. I don’t want to measure to the extent of weighing things, honestly, or even metric measures. I know there are differences in products being used, etc., but I’m not making a scientifically accurate substance for use in my home. I just want simple cups and tablespoon measurements.

        I know you have done a massive amount of work on your site and I appreciate the hours and hours that must have gone into it.

      • Chris  June 10, 2014

        Hi Pixie,

        Unfortunately the measurements are all set up for weight. If you don’t want to use alcohol you’ll have less encapsulation – how much less I don’t know.

        If you don’t want to weigh things, try this: dissolve as much C into a unit of water as you can using a little heat – it should not be more than warm to touch. Then put it in a blender and add lecithin to it as you blend until it’s a little less thick than cream. See my video on the ‘process’ page on my site.

        Do the blend and refrigerate cycles as specified.

        It will be better than nothing, but I have no idea as to the encapsulation percentage you’ll get.

        Unfortunately, given the ‘non-measurement’ I can’t tell you how much to take to get 1g of C.

        Good luck!


  6. Lane  May 5, 2014

    Question: Is the water actually necessary? I’ve made liposomal vitamin-c with a recipe from the internet and it did end up cloudy and milky looking.

    If you poured a liquid lethicin directly into your ultrasound machine and slowly added ascorbic acid, wouldn’t you be doing the same thing?

    I’ve tried it and it ends up looking exactly what comes out of those packets. Exactly.

    • Chris  May 5, 2014

      Hi Lane,

      Most of the internet recipes use far less C and lecithin then seems to be required (hence the consistency).

      Also, you can’t go by the consistency of the LivOn product as they add xanthan gum to their mix. Xanthan gum is a potent thickener.

      I don’t like to have the mix too thick as I feel it traps bubbles that lowers the efficiency of the ultrasound. Finally, liquid lecithin is not recommended because it contains much more oil and less of the components that actually make the liposomes (phosphatidylcholine, etc). Lecithin granules are the best way to go.

      Best regards,


      • HuubSmit  September 11, 2014

        Great site with very good info Chris. Thanks.
        I am making and using L-C for a few months now.
        Using the 3-4-5 method.
        30 g Asc
        40 g Lec
        500 ml distilled water.

        I just read about the alcohol on your site.
        I’ll have to alter my system now.

        Do you have any info on making glutathione as well?

      • Andrew Friesen  September 25, 2014

        Thank you Chris for your site. I am floored by all the research you have done. You have done a great service to us.

        Thanks again,

    • Richard  May 5, 2014

      Liquid lecithin already has water in it. Which makes it harder to measure accurately. And it has another problem: The water has been added at the wrong point in the recipe.

      Liposomes form automatically under the right conditions, and encapsulate whatever they’re floating in. Our purpose is not to encapsulate water. If you dissolve your Vitamin C in water first. Then use THAT to dissolve the lecithin, it’s very unlikely you’ll have some liposomes that contain just plain water. Chris Davies’ recent recipe does this right.

  7. John  May 7, 2014

    Making Lipo-C with common, buffered Ascorbate forms of Vitamin C, Lecithin and water is simple, inexpensive and effective. NEVER use the unbuffered Ascorbic Acid form of Vitamin C; it is NOT a good thing to do, for one simple reason: Ascorbic Acid is an acidic mixture, which will lower one’s blood serum pH, which is opposite of what is necessary to fight infection. Mega-dosing of unbuffered, or non-neutralized Ascorbic Acid may also cause various dangerous interactions and reactions like hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, acidosis, kidney damage, etc. In fact, by lowering one’s blood serum pH with acid, it forces the body to leach calcium, magnesium and other alkaline minerals from bones and other tissues quickly in order to balance the serum pH by neutralizing the Ascorbic Acid into an Ascorbate. This can have deadly consequences. By contrast, typical Sodium Ascorbate solutions are already buffered and slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.2-7.4 which will have a fairly neutral effect on blood pH (the human body maintains a blood pH of between 7.35-7.454). One may easily purchase buffered Vitamin C as Sodium Ascorbate at most health food stores in powder form. Other common buffered forms are also available as Magnesium Ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate, or Calcium Ascorbate, but Sodium Ascorbate appears to be the most bio-available. BTW, the Ascorbate ion form of Sodium does not appear to have the deleterious effects of the Chloride form of Sodium, so there are no worries for those needing a “low sodium” diet, according to Dr. Cathcart and Dr. Pauling.

    Lecithin is used as an emulsifier to encapsulate the Ascorbate and water into microscopic lipid spheres which are able to pass through the stomach undamaged and be fully absorbed in the intestines. The Lipo-C is then transported by the blood to the liver where the lipid capsules are broken down and the Vitamin C (as pH neutral Ascorbate) is released directly into the blood stream. The other thing to note is that once Vitamin C is mixed in water with any oxygen present, it begins to decompose very quickly and can lose as much as 20% of its effectiveness in an hour or so. By using the ultrasonic lecithin encapsulation method, it becomes preserved in lipid spheres and may be refrigerated for up to 4-5 days and retain most of its effectiveness. However, it is best to make only as much as is needed so it is taken as fresh as possible.

  8. Jon  June 4, 2014

    I have already ordered a decent amount of ascorbic acid, and am planning on working my way up to 10g/day of LipoC. After doing more research, I’ve decided I would like to buffer the ascorbic acid. Could someone please give detailed instructions, with ratios, for converting to each or any of these three ascorbate solutions that I could use in my liposomal C mix? Ideally, I think I’d like to use all three, but I am still researching that idea, so I would love to hear some feedback on the idea of creating a multi-ascorbate solution of these three. Also, since potassium is dangerous in high doses of 18g/day, are there any concerns about the safety of using potassium ascorbate in a Liposomal? There is so much research involved, any help appreciated. Thanks! :)

    Sodium Ascorbate
    Magnesium Ascorbate
    Potassium Ascorbate

    • chazza  June 5, 2014

      Can I comment on a couple of things

      1) Which is the right ascorbate salt to use: I used Calcium ascorbate for a long time and didn’t feel happy abouy it. I now use sodium ascorbate, but there would be no harm in using a cocktail of anions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium).

      2) I’ve seen adverse comments about using ultrasonic cleaners on the grounds that the stainless steel liner will be deposited into the vitamin C liposome. I have tried out using a ziplock polythene bag as a liner for the cleaning machine. I backfill between the metals and the plastic bag with water so the sound waves are propagated efficeintly. I recommend ziplock bgas because they are much easier to handle – less floppy.

  9. Tamsin  June 15, 2014

    I have never heard of stainless steel leaching? Why wouldn’t you be concerned about the plastic from a ziploc bag? Plastics are known endocrine disrupters…
    Also about the acidity using ascorbic acid – can you not get around this by just adding a pinch of baking soda to your dose?

    • Harleyria  June 26, 2014

      I just made my first batch using Non GM Abscorbic Acid and Sunflower lecithin granules as in one of the Youtube videos. Then I found this website: http://www.quantumbalancing.com/liposomalC.htm which gives an additional recipe with Bicarb soda added, so that the PH balance of the mixture is closer to the 7.3 or so that the human body requires.
      In the meantime I intend to take bicarb soda and maple syrup 20 minutes after taking my initial Vit C mixture , to rebalance my PH.
      Next time I make a Vit C mixture I will add the bicarb soda as described in the website provided here.

      • Marcella Smith  August 31, 2014

        The stomach acid has a pH of about 0.8-1.0, as you eat, the pH rises to 2-4, but this higher pH is detected by the Chemoreceptors in the stomach which signals the brain to produce more HCL or stomach acid to bring the pH back down in the stomach. Once you understand this, you can see that taking a TUMS or taking bicarb temporarily rises pH in the stomach, but it will actually increase the amount of acid created and pumped into the stomach to bring the pH back down to 0.8-1.0.
        Once in the dueodeum the pancrease produces and pumps in a bicarb solution once to buffer the natural HCL produced, it does this every day with every meal to buffer the HCL that is made in the stomach.
        This is a normal process. You can’t drink a liquid that is more acidic than the HCL in the stomach, and if you drink a higher pH drink than the stomach just produces more HCL to bring it down.
        You could better alkaline your body by eating alkaline forming foods, these include: fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts. Acid forming foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes. Its interesting to me that lemon is an alkaline forming food, it acidic in the mouth but in the body it helps to bring the body pH up.
        So if I have wrote clearly, attempting to correct body pH by eating hi pH substances are simply corrected in the stomach to its normal very low pH for digestion. The idea is to eat foods that will form alkaline in the blood, this is the character of the food, not the acid in the stomach. ie lemons alkaline blood but are acid going in the mouth….
        I wonder too about the science of maple syrup since sugar tends to acidify the body, I’ve seen the blogs on it, but I just don’t see it, and of course consuming the bicarb will increase the acid HCL input into the stomach as demonstrated above.
        According to Consumer Health of Canada, “Sugar including honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, sucrose promotes the growth of pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould and suppresses the immune system response up to five hours.”

  10. Marcella Smith  August 31, 2014

    Hi another question,
    do we know exactly when the oil or lipid covering of the lipo-encapsulated Vit C is actually dissolved? It would seem that the bile acid from the gallbladder would remove it in the duodenum for the following transport down and thru the intestinal walls. If so, then in the duodenum is where bicarb created by the pancreas and is introduced into the very acid chyme (that contains the lipo Vit C, opened by the bile, and then would naturally buffer the vitamin C. I could be wrong but that seems to follow our pathophysiology better

  11. Marcella Smith  August 31, 2014

    Also, just a thought,
    as I’m reading, I ask, if the feeling is that the Lipo capsule goes to the blood cells directly without breaking down in the duodenum by the liver’s bile, then adding electrolytes into that capsule such as sodium or potassium and then transporting it directly to a previously electrolyte stable cell could be dangerous. Do we have actual science to support the use of additional ‘buffers’ to be added to the capsule?
    Also, it would be nice to see the scientific evidence of when the capsule is really opened, since this greatly determines the need for anything additional to ‘buffer’ the acid. Ascorbic acid has a higher pH then stomach chyme which is around the pH of battery acid (a quick check seems Ascorbic acid is around 4 – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascorbic_acid ). If the capsule does indeed, since it is a lipid coated capsule, opens in the duodenum by the liver’s bile, which dissolves lipids, then it will be naturally buffered by our pancreas along with the chyme that has entered the duodenum from the stomach.
    It is not enough that doctors on websites or Youtube presenters say this or that, but what is the actual science everyone here seems to be going by

  12. gustave kahn  September 7, 2014

    Made this today. How much vitamin c is being consumed for a given tsp?

  13. gustave kahn  September 7, 2014

    Made this today. How much vitamin c is being consumed for a given tsp or tbsp?

  14. Roger  September 9, 2014

    In addition to improved nutrition, I am taking Vitamin C as part of treatment for Myeloma. Initially I was sent some over the counter Liposomal Vit C, which was orangey tasting and a thick(ish) liquid.

    We have read the above article and tried to make our own using GMO free High Grade Sodium Ascorbate and Vitality Nutrition Non-GMO, Soya free Sunflower Lecithin (powder not granules). This mix produces a thin, slightly bitter, nutty or seedy tasting liquid. It does not thicken, go gooey or stringy and it does not taste citrousy.

    My questions are:-

    1) How do we know if we have got this right. Is there any test we can do to check?

    2) Other than seeing the (possible) effects when I get my bloods done (bi-monthly), is there any way to know if it is doing any good?

  15. gustave kahn  September 9, 2014

    This article mentions liposomal c as being sodium ascorbate but I used ascorbic acid in mine.

    Incidentally the c is giving me good vibrations. I made glutathione as well and it tastes so nasty!

    I read an article on Sarah Vaughter’s website where she mentioned boiling the water used to dissolve c for the purpose of removing residual oxygen and that warm water is far less damaging to c than oxygen. I have no way of proving this.

    Also, I used liquid lecithin fron Lekithos and think this speeded up theprocess

    • Marcella Smith  September 9, 2014

      Hello gustave, I just use the Absorbic Acid and that’s enough to gag an alligator, ha,
      -I’ve thought about buying some glutathione, did you notice improved health with it added to the C?
      -Can I ask how you can tell that your vibrations are good, always wondered…

      Also, an FYI, light, oxygen and heat destroys vitamin C as it is very unstable, if I boiled the water I would make sure it is cool again before adding the C. As the Vit C temp starts to go up it begins to denature, it should always be kept cool. At 70 degrees Celcius it is completely destroyed.
      Interesting chart, no exact temp but lists C and others:
      Trying to find ref. on that, I found a paper from the NHI that says that oxygen degrades Vit C thru oxidation, that a formula that does not have a barrier against that will cause total destruction of the Vit C content in 30 days. showing short storage time or low storage temperature is needed to retard vitamin C degradation.

      —I didn’t know that, I know that my Vit C tablets yrs gone by, would start to turn colors a couple weeks after opening. Added: I’ve now put ‘O2 absorbers’ in my opened Ascorbic acid powder pouches I’m using for my Lipo constructions (got off of Amazon in the past)…

      • HuubSmit  September 11, 2014

        You and David are talking about making glutathione.
        Do you have any info on that?
        Thanks in advance.

      • Richard  September 11, 2014

        Why bother with lipo-glutathione? NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) replenishes it simply, cheaply and safely.


      • charles marriage  September 12, 2014

        If Vitamin C is degraded what does it become ? Wouldn’t decaying Vit C become water and carbon dioxide ? What is left in your plastic packet. Does it turn wet or gas out carbon dioxide ? I ask out of interest.

        Next should we worry very much about degradation of Vit C and exact dosages and so forth ? I read that insulin action (brought about by eating carbohydrates) causes Vit C to be excreted/ejected in the urine. My own experience is that Vit C causes my urine to turn bright yellow, and at low carb times my urine is paler. Perhaps best to take Vit C mid morning, mid afternoon, and before bed.

        A fascinating exchange of views which enlivened my boring email in box.

      • Marcella Smith  September 12, 2014

        that is a good question that we should know if we are dealing so close with Vitamin C, and I have n’t noticed my urine to be darker, afterall we are looking the other way, ha, but I will observe the color. I always take my C in the morning, I tried doing it twice a day which really should be better, but having my stomach empty for a lenth of time is what messed that up :). I can, however, wake up go to the frig take 2-3 big gulps from my jar and go feed the birds. The taste though gags me, I’m working on ignoring it, trying to go to a ‘happy place’ as I tilt the jar back, haha. I’ve read that Vitamin C is absorbed or interacts with our bodies better if it is accompanied with , one of the recipes I’ve been following has whole dried acerola cherry powder included with the asorbic acid. I think that is something to think about.
        Before I closed this reply I started looking for more information and found a neat list of ‘factoids’ on Vitamin C here: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminC/ , it was sort of fun to read. They mention a Phase ll research on I.V. Vitamin C, and that happens to be going on at Kansas University Medical Center right now. I have a few ‘ins’ to KUMC, but not enough to find out any good information to relate on its progress, that would be pretty tight information. I haven’t looked into what the FDA or such even thinks about I.V. Vit C enough to know if any clinician anywhere can even prescribe and give I.V. Vitamin C freely to patients, now that would be a great patient attraction to a person’s practice. The whole matter is very interesting, clinicians should be free to give IV Vit C as I think Vit C is a vital tool to help patients to heal quicker better than more western medicine’s big pharma solutions. Myself, I am stirred enough that I would like to know more and understand the whole picture Vitamin C paints inside our bodies (sorry I come from two different worlds, haha). We, who actually produce an unusual form of Vit C, Liposomal Vit C, should learn more and know more about its actions. Its a bit exciting to me.
        For one reason it does not seem to be a scam, a snake oil idea for doctors to make mega money from, like say deer placenta, or a magic weight loss scheme to sell books, haha. Vitamin C is a basic nutrient, a long time well know antioxidant that just seems to have been ignored to the point that people miss a viable and sometime superior treatment for what ails them, all due to lack of profit it can immediately place in the hand of a doctor. If a doctor is a self assured or reasonably good clinician, then they would be thinking ‘wow, people will see me as a better doctor if I prescribe Vitamin C and cure them, I will have more patients and be more successful’, instead we have alot of mediocre doctors and medical schools that teach them how to make money off of patients by tying them to another medication that they will have to visit them more often for ‘monitoring’. The incentive is to ‘not cure’ but to cause the disease to linger… Anyway, if Vitamin C is one of the better answers to patient’s issues, than I want to know the why’s and how’s. So much info on the net you have to look at critically because there is so many people with agenda’s and spin the information, or those who want to appear to know what they are talking about but don’t really, yet the folllowing mentality of the masses pass on what the say as if it came from God himself. There are too many clinicians that give inadequate or incompetent education to patients who go home and tell the world on Youtube their version of the incompetent information they got from their doctor. Or, you see doctors on the internet giving their confused idea of science and scramble the minds of 10’s of thousands so they can get their moment in the lime light, or a possible million dollar allusion to sell to the blind roadies. Anyway, sorry I started gabbing on tangents. I will see what I can find out about what vitamins degrade too and get back to you. I would think part of that may be their ‘loose hold’ on their electrons which makes them a good antioxidant for easy ‘free radical’ pairing, that might be one reason they degrade so easily and that may be what they degrade to, an inactive chemical without enzymes or electrons? perhaps just break down into their parts and become inactive? perhaps like a can of coke losing the fiz sitting open on the counter? haha, ok later, if you find something please post it

  16. Marcella Smith  September 12, 2014

    Richard, that was a good article, glutathione is so darn expensive, I was considering it, but NAC is something I started taking recently experimenting and trying different naturalistic type cancer treatments to see how hard they are to follow, one, I can’t remember which prescribed daily NAC daily, I still happen to keep taking it. It looks like it can do alot of things for the immune system. I’m trying not to have to take a flu shot this year, I really try not to, but this year the flu shot is called Flublok and happens to be created using recombinant DNA technology, a fancy way of saying it is a GMO made from an insect virus’s DNA coupled with another organism, it doesn’t say what that 2nd one is, it may be you! I don’t know if the new genetic organism is what they inject in your body or if it combines with your DNA, but, it is supposed to help fight more of the flu’s, OMG.
    I’ll just stick to my Liposomal Vit C and now I know NAC! thanks!

  17. Sue  September 17, 2014

    Hello. I am wondering if someone could answer a question for me. I have suffered with a serious autoimmune condition for 25 years and would like to make my own Liposomal C. I have the ingredients but have yet to buy the alcohol. I have access 40% vodka only.

    I have trouble digesting alcohol due to my illness, so I am wondering if this small amount of alcohol would still be OK for me. Also, I am not supposed to have gluten. Should I buy alcohol made from corn instead of grain? Would that work as well? Is the amount of gluten so small that it would not make a difference? (I don’t have celiac’s…I am just supposed to do my best to maintain a particular diet).

    Also, is there a particular bland of Vodka someone could recommend?

    Thanks a lot

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  September 18, 2014

      Sue, why would you overburden your system with alcohol? If you can find a way around it, that’s better. Even if it is gluten-free, you don’t want to overtax your liver with unnecessary poison. All the best!

      • Marcella Smith  September 18, 2014

        I’ve only seen one recipe using alcohol, I don’t plan to use it myself. The liver is a vital part of the healing process. In most cancer treatments, in order to stimulate the liver and body to heal its self, aside from special diets and such, alcohol is strictly forbidden. i’m sure there is a reason that the one recipe calls for alcohol, but alcohol desolves lipids, so I’m not sure, although I’m sure they know, but not sure why I would want to keep the lipids in a desolved state when I’m trying to use it to encapulate. The original recipe I saw did not use alcohol and he said he has had his results tested and it was showing a 90% encapsulation.
        So, I would not worry at all that you don’t have alcohol, especially since you are trying to deal with a disease.

      • Richard  September 19, 2014

        Read the research. Alcohol makes the liposomes happen and it makes them smaller and more effective. The main commercial Lipo-C product (Livon) contains 12% alcohol. Various articles in the scientific literature suggest various solvents for increasing liposome formation. Alcohol happens to be the least nasty of the choices.

        Read the patent and other information:


        Liposomes also happen mostly at a specific temperature. Do you know what that is?

      • Marcella Smith  September 19, 2014

        Thank you for the information Richard on alcohol, although, the last comment was disappointing kind of a calling out, if you will, to prove who’s the smartest of them all. Well let me calm the waters so we can all go on with the fun of intellectual exchanges, I will announce ‘Richard is the biggest smarty of them all!’, there.
        You may want to consider though, if the all the science blogs or information discussion chats, were all just about one person’s opinion, then not only would all ideas be locked up on a stagnant website, but there would no longer be an free exchange of ideas, and no one enjoying contributing to the discussion of the whole. It would be the end of growth or the fun of intellectually problem solving. Also, that one mighty smart person would get mighty lonely… The thing is, usually the smartest person in the room doesn’t get offended when their opinion is questioned.
        Big Hug, eat some fruit, and thank you for the alcohol information, I still wonder though how others are getting them, I’m not totally sold, but is that, thank you

      • Richard  September 21, 2014

        Thanks, Marcella. I’m simply taking the time to read the articles that folks here have provided links to. Some seem to think making Liposomal Vitamin C is akin to baking a cake. It’s not! We’re cooking up nano-technology based drugs. That’s what Lipo-C is. Much less margin for error. Liposomes work because they bypass the body’s defenses. Not something to be taken lightly.

        Modifying a liposomal drug recipe as if you were adding nuts to cookies is dangerous! Moreso if you need that drug to be effective.

        Some experimenters here are willy-nilly doing dangerous things. And folks like you are making it all sound just peachy. If you don’t have the time or inclination to become well informed then you probably shouldn’t be attempting to mix and modify liposomal drugs for human consumption.

        Thank you for suggesting that I clarify and reinforce my previous post.

  18. JD Kallo  September 21, 2014

    1 TBSP =15ml. 1 ounce = 30ml
    12% ethanol (CH3-CH2-OH) x 15 ml = 1.8ml. Livon Lipospheric-C (new Chinese patent)
    Kefir & Kombucha 0.5% – 1.5% ethanol x 8 oz serving (240 ml) = 1.2ml to 3.6ml ethanol

    Brooks Bradley is a great thinker & contributor to Mike Devour’s Silver List … Check out Brooks Bradley’s plans for making a nebuliser for administration of ionic/colloidal aqueous silver (CS) using off the shelf parts from Harbor Freight. Brooks once posted a story about a research subject hospitalized in an ICU with pneumonia. As i recall, the subject had already been read last rites as the situation was “conventional medical” hopeless. Administering nebulised CS to this subject was reported to be a successful primary outcome … the patient survived the near fatal pneumonic condition. I believe that Brooks’ idea of using an ultra sonic cleaner was based on the old Livon patent which used a high pressure device to force the ascorbate into the phospholipid matrix.

    I find that using a NutriBullet or a conventional blender with a 4oz Mason jar screwed on to the blender blades in lieu of the blender pitcher will provide ample blending force to produce delightful gel liposomal Ascorbate or Ascorbate/Glutathione.
    By using these tiny jars on a conventional blender, one is able to experiment with varying formulations with high efficiency. One can also formulate with specificity of purpose and subject.
    Not having a readily available source of distilled water at 2am with my guests sleeping, i substituted with POM Wonderful. My hosts also had a bottle of Tito’s Microdistillery Six Times Distilled Vodka. I placed the blender in a bathroom vanity cabinet. According to reports, no one ever heard the approximately sixty seconds of maximum speed blending. The product of this particular batch was much friendlier of flavor … beautiful texture so appealing that i could not resist immediately sending photographs to friends and associates.
    I also used some Greek 10 Ouzo a couple weeks ago. I did not have access to Sodium Ascorbate or Glutathione on that occasion. The blender was a Shark(R) model. This Shark experience proved to be the only failure. Ascorbic acid usually works OK, I just do not believe it to be the best source of ethanol. I believe that the batch size was simply too large for the power of the Shark. I have generated large volume NutriBullets with no problem, but the Shark just doesnt seem to have an ideal blade configuration for liposome generating. Btw, a Polish Bison Grass vodka has proven quit useful for liposome generation. Unless one simply is unable to possess ethanol at their place of operation, 12% ethanol content in a TBSP of finished product is a nonissue for the 99.5%+.

    I notice that the Healthy Origins Glutathione that I had FedEx’d to my host’s residence Thursday morning no longer contains any leucine or any other excipient, etc. … supposedly pure encapsulated Setria (R) Glutathione (GSH). I’d prefer unencapsulated GSH, but $49.95 for 75g, I am plenty pleased until I am able to rekindle mfr connections.
    Marcella, et.al., please forgive me in advance for any Richardisms. I fear that I too am guilty of such a charge as i have often been called a jerk or worse, particularly when communicating with allopathic professionals in the pre-DSHEA days. Failing to notice Richard’s violation could be evidence that I may simply have further need of refinement … well, that and the repeated suggestions of close family and friends. :)
    Kindest regards,

  19. Sue  October 1, 2014

    If Chris is out there, I really would like to ask a question regarding the liposomes you created with the recipe on your website. Is there a way you can tell if they are larger or smaller than 200 nm in diameter?

    I hear that they need to be less than 200 nm in diameter to make it into the tissues.

    Also, do you think it is much better to have a very high powered blender? I have a 600 Watt but am willing to purchase a better one.

    I also worry that my $80 ultrasound machine might not be doing much…the resulting mixture is so thick, I am unable to see any agitation occurring.

    I will say that the taste and texture of the resulting product is SO bad, that I often make a batch, impulsively throw it out out of disgust, then regret not keeping it lol


    • Richard  October 1, 2014

      Sue, don’t throw it out. Get some Mio or Kool-Aid Liquid from the grocery store and squirt a little into your goop. It’ll taste much better. I like Orange flavored Kool-Aid. It doesn’t take much.

      To test your ultrasonic cleaner, use the aluminum foil test.


      • Sue  October 2, 2014

        wow! thanks Richard. I am going to try that today. I am just so dumb to have thrown out all my goop. I just get so frustrated. I mean..its just so vile you know? I have to try the koolaid trick. I literally gagged the last time and so did my mom. It took everything in me to swallow it.

        I think I read somewhere that too much lecithin would ruin the mixture too, and I wonder if Chris’ recipe might have too much. Mine turned out like Jello even though I held back some of the lecithin.

        How can the sonicator work on a jello-like mixture?

  20. Sue  October 1, 2014

    Ooops. Forgot to mention; this is my ultrasonic cleaner:

    Sharpertek CD-4800


    It’s hard to know what to do. Should I buy a higher end lab grade ultrasonic cleaner and a Vitamix blender? along with a lab grade thermometer? I have already spent so much. I recently gave up and ordered a bunch of LivOn product. I have been chronically ill so long, money is tight.

    I have to say that I became a lilttle angry when I read that LivOn has forbidden anyone from selling their product for less than $29.95 for a carton.

    I searched high and low for a comparable product for less, but cannot find one. LetsTalkHealth has a seemingly good one, but it has sodium benzoate. Seeking Health has one and if you buy in bulk, you can save money….but the product does not have the best reviews.

    Thanks for your help and the great website!

  21. Sue  October 2, 2014

    I was reading the Hielscher.com website, where it explains liposome creation. This company makes lab grade ultrasound machines.

    They say that a machine that is 50W, 30 kHz can make liposomes that are small enough, but they distinguish between unilamellar, oligolamellar and multilamellar vesicles. I am not sure if I understand the meaning of these terms.

    The $70 machine I Have is 60W and 40 kHz (I think) so it might do the job.

    What I really want is to find out if this process results in a product with the same effects at the commercially made liposomal C. Has anyone compared the effects of taking Livon C with homemade lipo C?


  22. Sue  October 2, 2014

    So does this mean that gentle sonification would produce small liposomes that have 1 layer of lipid surrounding them but if I want more layers of lipids, I would need a more powerful sonicator?

    Is 1 layer enough for our purposes?

    Thank you!

  23. Emily  October 3, 2014

    You can also buy liposomal vitamin c from absorb health, that’s who I buy it from since I didn’t want to buy the equipment and a family member failed horribly making it lol. I love the quality and it’s a very reasonable price!

    • Parkker  October 13, 2014

      Checked out Absorb health site but found it very lacking in any specifics about there products.

  24. Marcella Smith  October 14, 2014

    I found another Liposomal product not the C but the Glutathione, all the manufactured products are EXPENSIVE, but was wondering what you thought of this. I don’t think we can beat homemade, but look at this and see what you think please


  25. Richard  October 14, 2014

    Why bother with lipo-glutathione? NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) replenishes it simply, cheaply and safely.


    The only reason I can see for lipo-glutathione is if you’re sick and see a need for rapid megadosing. Does that even make sense with glutathione?

    I take 600mg of NAC daily and consider glutathione well taken care of. If you’re younger than 40 even that may not be necessary.


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