Heal Thyself with Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C

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“In fact even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than scurvy itself. When such a condition is not detected, and continues uncorrected, the teeth and bones will be damaged, and what may be even more serious, the blood stream is weakened to the point where it can no longer resist or fight infections not so easily cured as scurvy.” –Food and Life Yearbook 1939, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Vitamin C has been a long-time favorite supplement for many and for very good reasons. It is the one thing that has made the whole difference for detox purposes, but it has also saved the lives of many around the world. It has regained popularity recently as a DNA protector from free radical damage in workers with severe radiation exposure at the Fukushima nuclear plant, where workers had no significant change in both free DNA and overall cancer risk when supplemented with vitamin C.

Vitamin C also helps manufacture collagen, vital for the health of all our tissues and the repair of blood vessels, teeth, joints and bones. It also helps to normalize blood pressure, heal degenerative diseases and prevent premature aging. It is vital so our immune system can fight viruses, bacteria and other microbes. Vitamin C is also important in the synthesis of brain chemicals such as our happy mood neurotransmitter – serotonin.

Megadose Vitamin C


Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling and Dr. Irwin Stone have helped pioneer the concept of orthomolecular medicine which uses megadose vitamin therapy – vitamin C in doses higher than those required for normal cellular functions. When taken in very high doses (10 or 100 grams or more per day, depending upon the person’s requirements and illness) vitamin C fights off serious illness. For instance, when the body is challenged by cancer, colds, toxicity or diseases, we are overwhelmed with free radical production. This is when our requirements of vitamin C increases. Read about Vitamin C’s Historical and Miraculous Record.

Mainstream medicine remains in the dark when it comes to knowledge about vitamin C despite the miraculous effects it has had on people whose prognosis was fatal. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is something you want to have in your medical cabinet, as it can save your life as it had done so for so  many people around the world. Vitamin C is also the best thing so far for adrenal support during very stressful times and/or when we feel extremely fatigued.

As a powerful water-soluble anti-oxidant that we are not capable to synthesize within our bodies, you might want to take 1 heaping teaspoon (4 grams) per day, when you first start detoxifying. During stressful times (either emotional or from illness) more doses are required, especially when you are eating a diet rich in carbs.

As it happens, vitamin C and sugar use the same port entry to access our cells and when there is little to no sugar to compete, a higher percentage of vitamin C gets into the cells making our requirements shrink. This is why our need for vitamin C goes down to the point where most people had to minimize or even eliminate it in a ketogenic diet – a diet based on animal foods and fats. And since most animals make their own vitamin C, it is possible to get enough vitamin C in a ketogenic diet without any plant foods by eating the proper parts of the animal: organs.

Keep in mind that vitamin C dosage should be built up gradually, and the same is also true for lowering the dose of vitamin C, in order for our bodies to adjust to the change. Going slowly also prevents Herxheimer reactions which come when you first start detoxifying. A Herxheimer reaction is an excretion of toxins from dying microbes (i.e. yeast overgrowth), sometimes called a ‘die off’ reaction.

Some say that pregnant women should not exceed 5 grams of vitamin C a day, although early pioneers on vitamin C have used very large doses for the benefit of both the mother and the baby. Large doses can cause diarrhea since excess vitamin C than your body requires doesn’t get absorbed. In time of illness, you can gradually increase vitamin C by 2 to 4 grams each hour until your tummy starts to gargle or you have a loose stool. This is what is known as titrating doses of vitamin C.

The most inexpensive vitamin C is ascorbic acid which you can get in bulk size, although other high quality forms and alkaline and better absorbed versions are available such as sodium ascorbate. If ascorbic acid gives you acidity, mix with some stevia, xylitol or a little bit of sodium bicarbonate to take the bite off.

For those concerned that vitamin C will increase their blood sugar levels, well, it seems that it doesn’t, even at doses of 2 grams every 3 hours.

Unfortunately, with so many medical regulations and drug protocols, vitamin C’s healing effects has remained in the back stage in a system ruled by Big Pharma. Despite this, it continues to help many around the world and it is starting to regain increasing popularity in conditions where no drug has made such a difference as vitamin C does.

Nowadays there are options that can substitute the intravenous (IV) vitamin C therapy in megadoses in the form of liposomal vitamin C which can be taken orally and made at home. If you are interested in getting the benefits of IV vitamin C in megadoses from the comfort of your home, don’t miss this relevant information!

Liposomal Vitamin C


A liposome is like a bag that carries a substance into your body and its cells. It is incredibly effective at this task since it is made out of fat. As it happens, it is the same type of fat that make up cell membranes, making the job of crossing this barrier much easier. Plus, liposomes are super tiny and in that way, they can go through every teensy crack of our cell barriers.

In order to achieve an effective megadose vitamin C dose – for instance, to kill cancer cells – you need to achieve a vitamin C blood level of around 250-350 mg/dl. An average person will typically have around 1 mg/dl on a fairly decent diet. After a 25 to 50 grams IV vitamin C therapy delivered in about a 90-minute period, the blood level is in the 200 to 300 mg/dl range.

Reports say that 6 g of oral liposomally-carried vitamin C is equal in delivering vitamin C inside cells, where it does its work, to 50 grams of intravenous vitamin C.

To make Liposomal Vitamin C, you need an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner like the one in the image. Just type on amazon.com or other store of your convenience and see which size is the most practical one for you.

Then you’ll need sunflower lecithin or non-GMO hexane free soy lecithin, and the vitamin C, preferably as sodium ascorbate.

3 level tablespoons of lecithin.
1 level tablespoon of sodium ascorbate.
Dissolve the lecithin in 1 cup (240cc) of warm or cold water, preferably distilled. Let it soak for a couple of hours or so. It doesn’t have to clump, so using warm water is preferable (not hot!).

Dissolve the sodium ascorbate in 1/2 cup warm water, preferably distilled.

Pour both solutions together into the ultrasonic cleaner and mix for around 20 to 25 minutes.

A loading dose, for several months, of liposomal vitamin C is likely 2,000 mg three times a day, maintenance , 1,000 mg twice daily, increasing doses and amounts when needed.

This recipe provides 12 grams (12000 mg) of Vitamin C Ascorbate at about 70% – 90% liposomal encapsulation efficiency. It will keep at room temperature for about 3 to 4 days and refrigerated, it will keep much longer.

Recall that 6 grams of this stuff is the equivalent of 50 grams IV vitamin C. So you can take half the solution throughout the day for a day or two in case of illness. Wean off gradually throughout the days though, so no artificial drastic lack is perceived by the body.

I’ve used 3 tablespoons of sodium ascorbate with good absorption results as well. Three tablespoons instead of one tablespoon as indicated in the above recipe will yield around 16 grams of vitamin C per cup. The absorption of the liposomal variety is about 5 times the absorption of vitamin C straight, so that is approximately 80 effective grams (IV therapy).  That is a very high dose indeed! You will have to take that one cup throughout the day though, I doubt you’ll tolerate drinking in one seat without having diarrhea.

A note of caution


Those with iron overload (ask your physician to test for ferritin, transferrin, TIBC and iron) should keep in mind that vitamin C increases the absorption of iron into the body, especially in the heart where it can cause heart failure, palpitations and others. Ferritin levels should be ideally less than 80 and transferrin saturation should be less than 40%. If you are above those levels, you might want to donate some blood or refer to the Iron Disorders Institute. A great book on the subject is The Elephant Iron by Roberta Crawford.

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  1. David  December 7, 2015

    Hi I find all this information very interesting and greatly informative. But what I would like to know is, is Liposomal Vitamin C a good remedy for chronic viruses? Iv read conflicting reports about it so an accurate report would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Mary-Jane  December 19, 2015

    Is the final homemade product a liquid or gel like? I am making it at home and there are some conflicting you tube videos showing the process. I am unsure, and would appreciate your advice. Thanks.

  3. Leoni  December 26, 2015

    Thank you for your helpful info. I am 57 from Australia and have had breast cancer 12 months ago and a mastectomy and lymph node clearance. I have refused to take the tamoxifen that was prescribed so it is important to keep healthy through nutrition. My husband has morbidly high blood pressure but cannot tolerate his medications due to multiple chemical sensitivity. These are good reasons for making my own liposomal vit c.
    Can liquid sunflower lecithin be used in place of the lecithin granules? I have seen some here http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Sunflower-Liquid-Lecithin-16-fl-oz-473-ml/56886

    Thank you

  4. Carol  January 4, 2016

    I am interested in vitamin C therapy. However, I notice most you tube videos show them blending the lecithin in a blender prior to the ultrasonic cleaner. I had made it with the blender process and it was very thin. I made it your way today and notice it is kind of a thin gel consistency. Just wondering about the differences?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 5, 2016

      Yes, I sometimes used the blender and it was thinner. Actually, I preferred it that way. Both ways should be okay for homemade recipes purposes.

  5. Christina  January 5, 2016

    Hi Dr. Segura! I’m not having success signing up for your newsletter:( Can you help me? thank you!

  6. Scott  January 9, 2016

    I’m confused with your math. Firstly it would be appropriate to start measuring in grams not tablespoons.I keep waiting for the day to come when we can ALL go metric. Anyhow, My point is this: My understanding of absorption rate is orally= 20%, liposomal is 70% and IV is 80%. When you state that 6 grams liposomal = 50 grams IV is false. 6 grams liposomal would=30 grams oral and 5.4 grams IV.here is the best liposomal recipe http://www.qualityliposomalc.com/. I take two tablespoons twice a day. Notice the ratio of lecithin to vit C

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 10, 2016

      Thank you Scott. The math and recipes are derived from theoretical frameworks based on one study of how effective pharmaceutical liposomal vitamin C could be. Home-based recipes are an approximation at best. As long as you see benefits, any variations on the recipe and experiments are welcomed.

  7. Mark  January 16, 2016

    You talk about titrating with vitamin C. Does this work the same for the liposome. When you are sick for example do you continue to take increasing doses of liposome until you get watery stools?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 16, 2016

      Yeah, that has been reported with liposomal vitamin C. When you reach your upper limit, there is diarrhea.

      • Mark  January 16, 2016

        Thanks so much for your response. So then I don’t understand the benefit of liposome other than you save some money on ascorbic acid, which is probably offset with the cost of the lethathine. Or am I missing something. I am taking about 55 grams of ascorbic asid per day, which is still below my bowel tolerance.

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 17, 2016

        In fact, for daily maintenance, I prefer plain ascorbic acid. I would leave liposomal for when there is really a need to increase vitamin C blood levels, i.e. cancer treatment. Ascorbic acid works better with fatigue and general feelings of well-being.

        If you are tolerating +55 grams of vitamin C, I would explore the root of your health problems and address those. Vitamin C is great, but doing something to address the root problem is even better.

  8. kim  January 16, 2016

    Brain fog here! I want to start off slowly. Can I take 1 teaspoon three times a day (equally a total of one tablespoon for the entire day), and build up from there? I don’t know how to measure in grams.

    Also, I only have plain ascorbic acid (as opposed to sodium ascorbic). Should I add a little baking soda to the preparation? I would like to add resveratrol and curcumin as well, but I don’t want the ascorbic acid to destroy these added nutrients.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 17, 2016

      Sounds like a plan, Kim. You can use sodium bicarbonate to make sodium ascorbate.

  9. Cate  January 17, 2016

    Dear Dr. Segura,
    I’ve made some liposomal C – and have a few questions. Firstly the mixture in the little cleaner becomes very warm – the bottom of the cleaner after I’ve taken the solution out is almost too hot to touch. On the canister of sodium ascorbate that I have – consumers are warned to store the product at below 30 degrees centigrade. Does the high temperature affect the potency of the mixture? Does your gadget become as warm? Or should I shop for a better ultrasound machine? When I do take just the raw sodium ascorbate in quantity – my body reacts quickly and I’m off to the bathroom. With the liposomal – the reaction is more subtle although the dose of effective C is higher. Is that as it should be or has the lipo become compromised by the process. Leaving the lid open as it ‘cooks’ might be a way to keep temperature lower. Thanks heaps for posting all this info online.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  January 17, 2016

      Hello Cate,

      That is interesting, my ultrasound cleaner doesn’t get very warm at all. I think it will be best if you can experiment with another machine. I was looking into the melting point of vitamin C. Some say 70 degrees and others say 140 degrees Celsius, meaning that boiling it doesn’t destroy vitamin C. In any case, best to make sure you’re not destroying it. Best!

  10. Carole talbot  January 26, 2016

    I use liposomol vitamin c daily. I’m a true believer. But I have a friend whose relative has been recently diagnosed with third stage ovarian cancer along with a other associated cancers. I’ve told her about this treatment but she is afraid because her kidneys are failing so she is unsure if this treatment could further hurt her kidneys. Pls help.

  11. kkennedy  February 7, 2016

    I’ve looked at many so-called liposomal recipes but I can’t tell that they result in anything other than an emulsion. How do you know that this recipe creates liposomes? Thanks!

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 8, 2016

      It is theoretical. You can evaluate your product by the results it has. You’ll only have a guarantee if you have the resources to analyze it. Best!

  12. Regina Tyndall  February 17, 2016

    I’ve been researching liposomal vitamin c for awhile- after an endless battle of allergies with my daughter I wanted to give this a try. No one anywhere has mentioned taste- I made it, it looks good, but it tastes like death! She is 15- but I don’t see her taking a whole cup of this- and would hate her to have to mix that much in apple juice because the sugar makes her worse. Any suggestions?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 17, 2016

      How about using stevia or xylitol as sweeteners?

      • Regina Tyndall  February 17, 2016

        I thought about playing around with stevia…I’ll see what I can do! Lol I will try to stay positive as I hand it to her! Thanks so much!

  13. Suketu Rupani  February 18, 2016

    Hi Gabriel,
    The forum is great and love and agree with every bit of your article
    In few websites, I found people using vodka (alcohol) in the process of creating liposomal Vitamin C
    Is it the correct to use alchohol for the same ? Does it further enhance encapsulation process ?
    Can we do it right without using vodka (alcohol)

    It will be great if you can guide me on the same.
    I am planing to start making one for my mother and need to be doubly sure what is the best way to do it

    Suketu D.R.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  February 18, 2016

      Hello there! I never used alcohol in mine nor recommended the same. I think that for home version purposes, it is fine to do it without. It saves extra toxicity.

      Best regards!

  14. eso  March 7, 2016

    Hello mother is ovarian cancer stage 4. İt spread to many organs like liver spleen…etc. i wonder about liposol Vit c can be a cure for us or not?

  15. Brian  March 17, 2016

    I’m a 40 year old male, and was just diagnosed with small PE’s in both lungs (lower). Is mega-dosing Vit C good for this situation, even after being placed on blood thinners?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 18, 2016

      It is good, but not a substitution for blood thinners. I would try adding magnesium, vitamin E, garlic, 10-15 capsules of Omega 3s. That should thin your blood.

  16. Eddie  March 24, 2016

    I purchased Ascorbate C Powder from Source Naturals and was wondering if I could use it to make my liposomal Vitamin C? Thank you.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 24, 2016

      If it is ascorbate, it is already the alkaline version of vitamin C which should be good for liposomal.

      • Eddie  March 24, 2016

        Thank you Dr. Segura.

  17. Eddie  March 24, 2016

    Hi Dr. Segura, I looked at the nutritional facts for sunflower lecithin. It contains 15 grams of fat and 2 grams of saturated fat per ounce. Is it safe for someone with high cholesterol, clogged or calcified arteries to intake lecithin daily for an extended period of time. Thank you.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 24, 2016

      It should be fine.

      Concentrate on eliminating sugar, highly processed carbs, and avoid GMOs, trans fats, margarine like the plague. Donate blood if you have iron overload and make some detox efforts. That should protect your heart and increase your cardiovascular health. Best!

      • Eddie  March 24, 2016

        Thanks again Dr. Segura. Best regards.

  18. Anna  March 24, 2016

    Dear dr, is soy lecithin safe for breast cancer, estrogen positive, or it would be better if i use sunflower?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 24, 2016

      I would use sunflower. Anna, do check out http://breastcancerchoices.org/ if you haven’t done so. It is an excellent resource for any patient with breast cancer.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 28, 2016

      [quote]Thanks a lot fir your reply.

      Since i am planing to make myself liposomal, with sunflower shall i use Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C or sodium ascorbate?


      You use sodium ascorbate for liposomal, Anna. Best!

  19. Eddie  March 28, 2016

    Hi Dr. Segura,
    I have adrenal fatigue and since vitamin C benefits the adrenals, would high dosing with Liposomal Vitamin C help my condition? Thank you.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  March 30, 2016

      It will help, but keep in mind that some people feel better with non-liposomal, just standard ascorbic acid. It relieves fatigue better than liposomal in some people.

      • Eddie  March 30, 2016

        Thank you Dr. Segura. Blessings!

  20. Adam  April 1, 2016

    Great blog!
    How long will the solution last in the refrigerator?

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 3, 2016

      I would drink it within 4 days.

      • Adam  April 13, 2016

        Thank you for your reply. Could you please elaborate on why only 4 days?

        I have been making liposomal vitiman c for two years now with a heavy duty ultrasonic cleaner and have refrigerated and consumed the solution for up to a couple weeks per batch. Thanks again!

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 17, 2016

        That is pretty handy to know, Adam. Thank you! I tried it once after a week and it tasted spoiled. But it could have been due to other factors (i.e. the fridge not having enough power).

  21. Garry  April 2, 2016

    Dr Segura,
    I like your unbiased comments and swear by lipo c. The one thing you may suggest is the ratio for using liquid sunflower……ive read one should use half…….ie, 3 tablespoons of lecithin OR 1/12 tablespoons of liquid sunflower oil. What dosage would you recommend for your recipe. Also my el cheapo Jewel cleaner gets rather warm whilst mixing the goodies. I also use a stick blender to mix ingredients before emptying into ultrasonic for couple mins did you find this necessary ……..regards Garry, Australia.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 3, 2016

      I don’t know about the liquid sunflower oil as I never used it myself. If the consistency looks good, you can use the recommended dose.

      I use a mix blender as the solution looks rather ready before it goes into the ultrasonic cleaner. Mine doesn’t get warm, but as long as it is not incredibly hot, it should be fine. Best!

      • Garry  April 19, 2016

        Just a couple more points on lipo c is be aware of fridge temps as you suggested, it may spoil, and just got some high grade ascorbic acid powder in and what ratio for that and the bicarbonate soda mix. One says one level tablespoon vit c to one heaped tablespoon sodium………which seems a bit rich. Sodium ascorbate can be bought premixed in powder …….any safer ?Lastly evidence of lipo working is a scar received from car accident some 30 yrs ago has been almost completely healed ( inner lip) with continual use of lipo c. Even having used conventional vit c lipo just absorbs much better with the scar tissue reduced heaps.The wound was neglected to be sutured by busy hospital staff………keep it coming………regards Garry, Australia.

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 20, 2016

        That is a wonderful testimonial! I’m glad to hear it has helped you so much. Best!

    • Eddie  April 3, 2016

      You are using a glass beaker to create your liposomes and not directly into the metal tray, right? It’s my understanding that mixing the vitamin C directly in the metal tray will release metal nanoparticles.

      • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 3, 2016

        I don’t drink liposomal at this stage, I’m one of those who feel better with plain ascorbic acid. It doesn’t interfere with the stomach’s pH and I feel more energized with ascorbic acid.

  22. Eddie  April 3, 2016

    Dr. Segura, I read that high doses of vitamin C will help the body get rid a heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc. If it helps release those toxic metals, what type of binder should I be using in conjunction with vitamin C? Also, will it affect the essential minerals in the body like potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.? Thank you.

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 3, 2016

      Vitamin C doesn’t chelate minerals as other chelators, so I wouldn’t worry too much about the minerals. You can supplement them as part of your health plan though. For heavy metal detox, there are a lot of natural remedies that work. My favorite is DMSA and EDTA, and iodine because they give effective results. The detox symptoms cannot be underestimated though. Best!

  23. Corina  April 3, 2016

    Dear Gabriela,

    I found your website while searching more info about this wonder mix. A friend of mine told me about the liposomal vitamin C and I started a research.

    I am from Romania and I would want to know whether I could give ascorbic acid (and if yes in what dosage?) to my mum who recently suffered a stroke. She is 61 of age, can’t move her right arm at all and her right leg barely, very slowly. Her left side limbs function well.
    Or should I make this liposomal solution and give that to her?
    What do you suggest?
    Thank you!

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 3, 2016

      Hello Corina,

      You can actually try to give both. First, ascorbic acid 4 to 10 grams per day minimum. One teaspoon has nearly 4 grams and that would be the maximum she would absorb at a time. More can have a laxative effect. So she can have one level teaspoon 1 to 3 times per day. See if she can tolerate that. Any excess will have a laxative effect. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance would be taking one level teaspoon every hour until there is increased bowel movements indicating that that is the maximum dosage that would be tolerated. Your mother might tolerate 4 grams or much more. In order to increase the availability, you can try liposomal vitamin C, but you have to make it with sodium ascorbate, the alkaline version of vitamin C. For normal vitamin C intake, you use the acidic version: ascorbic acid. The latter one has its benefits in that it doesn’t interfere with the stomach’s acidity. The elderly already have impaired stomach acid secretion that is needed to digest and absorb nutrients, that is why I prefer to recommend ascorbic acid when possible.

      Liposomal can be taken away from foods and to bowel tolerance as well. It will definitely help your mother and trying both versions might have added benefits. Best!

      • Corina  April 3, 2016

        Thanks so much for your reply. Very much appreciated!

  24. Josh  April 8, 2016

    So after reading and following your instructions I am left wondering how much of this I am suppose to take per dose?

    I made the batch using the exact recipe you posted but how many mls of this stuff do I take per dose?

    How much would my daughter take as a single dose?

    Look forward to hearing back from you!

    • Gabriela Segura, MD  April 8, 2016

      How many cups do you get? If it is one and a half cup, that would be nearly 355ml. If there is 12 grams per 355ml and you are aiming for a loading dose of 2,000 mg three times a day, that would be 4 tablespoons three times per day.

      For maintenance and/or for your daughter, 2 tablespoons twice daily would be 1 gram twice daily.

      Probably you will have to increase the dose as the home version is only a rough approximation. If there is any excess of vitamin C, you’ll have diarrhea.

      Close enough for horseshoes.

      • Josh  April 11, 2016

        Thank you! =]

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