La epidemia de obesidad, cortesía de la industria agrícola

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Si te gustan las películas antiguas, habrás notado que la mujer de aquellos tiempos tendía a poseer hermosas curvas de reloj de arena, a la Marilyn Monroe. En nuestros días, tales figuras se han vuelto una rareza debido a que la mujer se ha vuelto “cuadrada” de forma. Investigaciones sugieren que en la actualidad hay cinco veces más mujeres de “forma rectangular” que aquellas con la clásica forma de reloj de Marilyn Monroe. Casi Continue Reading →


Toxoplasmosis: Neurological Pathologies, Behavioral Changes and Now Brain Cancer?

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Toxo keeps popping up again and again on behavioral and neurological research. I talked about it awhile ago in Toxoplasmosis and Personality Changes,  but a friend brought to my attention the following paper:

Infect Genet Evol. 2012 Mar;12(2):496-8. Epub 2012 Jan 25.

Brain cancer mortality rates increase with Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in France.

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Human Rights Violations in France

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Since the 1990s, there have been several legal entities created in France that are supported by the government whose sole purpose is to mandate what people can think and believe. These organizations have the capability (expressly designed into them) of bypassing and/or superseding any rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. These French organizations, for instance MIVILUDES, are essentially ...

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The Obesity Epidemic, Courtesy of the Agricultural Industry

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If you love old movies, you’ve noticed that women back in the old days tended to have beautiful hour glass body shapes, a la Marilyn Monroe. Nowadays, such figures have become a rarity because women have become “boxy” in shape. Research suggests there are now five times as many “rectangular-shaped” women than those with the classic Marilyn Monroe hourglass shape. Almost one in two British women fall into the rectangle category, a boy-ish body shape where ...

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DMSO: The Real Miracle Solution (Addendum – Eye Problems)

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I receive a lot of requests for guidance about the use of DMSO.  I want to make it clear to my readers that I can’t legally give medical advice to anyone who is not my patient.  What I do is research and report on that research.  As for treating the eyes, in particular, I found the following:

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Volume 243, Biological Actions of Dimethyl Sulfoxide pages 485–490, January 1975


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Éiriú Eolas: Expansión del conocimiento

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Éiriú Eolas (EE) incluye ejercicios de respiración que estimulan el nervio vago para controlar el estrés, así como técnicas de liberación emocional practicadas en el pasado por Carl Jung y Alexander Lowen. EE ayuda a aliviar el estrés, lo cual conduce a un bienestar generalizado y mejora la calidad del sueño, permitiendo una curación más rápida. Además, EE tiene una excelente aplicación en terapias psicológicas al permitir la liberación de traumas que datan ...

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Alimentación moderna vs. alimentación sana, fuentes de toxicidad, el rol de las reacciones inflamatorias y las sensibilidades alimentarias en las enfermedades crónicas, modernas o idiopáticas

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Este material fue recopilado a partir de Detoxification and Healing de Sidney Baker, The UltraMind Solution de Mark Hyman, The Vegetarian Hypothesis de Lierre Keith y otras lecturas recomendadas en

Antes de una enfermedad, se pueden detectar desequilibrios en el cuerpo que la desencadenan. Estos desequilibrios de origen bioquímico y energético son determinados según el grado al cual están comprometidos los elementos nutricionales, genéticos, medio ambientales, así como los ...

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Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Miracle Solution, and Advanced Oxygen Therapy in the Gulf Coast

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I thought I would give more background on how and why I wrote a warning about MMS. It all happened when a very close friend of mine nearly died after taking it. I was traveling at that time and felt helpless as I was told of her symptoms. She was basically lying near death in a comatose state and the local doctor was clueless as to what was happening. Her belly was the size of a ...

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